Review Review worksheet from Friday Foldable.


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Presentation transcript:

Review Review worksheet from Friday Foldable

Chemical and Physical Properties/Chemical and Physical Change Objectives: Identify b/t chemical and physical change Differentiate b/t chemical and physical properties

Physical Change Physical change-do not result in production of a new substance. Melting ice---solid water to liquid water Breaking window will still result in glass, just smaller pieces Examples: melting, freezing, condensing, breaking, crushing, cutting and bending

Some More About Physical Change Some can be reversed Refreeze Putting window together

Special Physical Changes Objects change state Water freezing or evaporating Change of State Operations

Chemical Properties Can only be observed when the substance is changing to different substance. A.k.a. Chemical reactions Changes that result in production of a new substance

Chemical Properties Flammability: ability to burn in presence of oxygen Reactivity: how easily a substance combines with others

Chemical Changes Can make new substances Can be detected Water, flour, yeast and salt Heat in oven--bread Can be detected Change in odor or color Fizzing or foaming Sound, heat, light or odor Cannot be reversed by physical changes Bread baking, milk souring, iron rusting

Physical or Chemical Painting Wood Physical Burning Paper Chemical Digestion of Food Sugar dissolving in water

Physical or Chemical Iron turning red when heated Physical Evaporation A pond freezing Melting ice physical

Physical or Chemical Painting fingernails Physical Baking muffins Decomposition of old leaves Wrinkling a shirt An old nail rusting chemical