Color Theory Hue- name of the color according to color wheel Value: light or darkness of hue Tints & shades Primary colors: red, yellow, blue Secondary colors: mixing 2 primary colors Intermediate colors: mix primary and analogous (adjacent) secondary color
Color Harmonies Monochromatic: variations on the same hue with differences in value & intensity Complementary: colors directly opposite one another on the color wheel Warm or cool colors: adjacent colors on the wheel Primary: red, yellow, blue- all colors are mixed from these three
Value Chart
Emotional Effects: Color Schemes Monochromatic Warm or cool colors Complementary (opposite) colors Primary: red, yellow, blue
Black Iris: Georgia O’Keefe
Complementary Van Gogh: Night Café, 1888
Complementary Van Gogh, Starry Night, 1889
Warm Colors Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - The Kiss -
Cool Colors Henri Matisse: Notre Dame une fin d’apres-midi
Primary Color Scheme
Color Context
Different Readings of Same Color