By: Briley Cooper, David Chaney, Josh Martin, and Mason Branscum Storing Data in Memory By: Briley Cooper, David Chaney, Josh Martin, and Mason Branscum
Words Bits grouped in units of 16 to 64(2 to 8 bytes) Data stored in words are located by an address Address- is a unique binary representation of the location in memory Its size depends on the computer
Overflow Error This error occurs when the process the computer is trying to execute is bigger than 4 bytes
Real Numbers Real numbers are numbers containing decimal points. A real number’s binary representation is about 4 to 8 bytes of memory. A binary number of 111.10 is equivalent to the real number 7.5.
Sign bit exponent signification Sign bit exponent signification is arranging the fields so the the sign bit is in the most significant position the biased exponent in the middle, and the mantissa in the least significant position
Roundoff Error Roundoff errors happen when there aren’t enough bits to store the mantissa.
Works cited A Guide to Programming in Java Third edition, Jan Marrelli (pages 10-11)