Climate, Vegetation, and Human Interaction Africa Climate, Vegetation, and Human Interaction
What is the difference between climate and weather?
The answer Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere, and its short- term variation in minutes to weeks. Climate is the weather of a place averaged over a period of time, often 30 years.
The winter in Africa is not like North America because… The equator divides Africa in half from north to south.
Africa in movies…
Mount Kilimanjaro It is the highest point in Africa.
Rainforest A rainforest is an area that gets 80 inches of rain per year.
There are rainforest in Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington There are rainforest in Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington. Hoh Rain Forest (Washington)
The coldest parts of Africa are the Sahara Desert at night, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Mount Kenya.
Sahara It means “desert” in Arabic It stretches about 3,000 miles +100 degrees during the day Freezing temperatures during the night
Sahara - Caravan
Sahara Travel the Sahara is risky because of the extreme conditions Many travelers rely on the camel
Camels can live 17 days without water
Water in the Sahara 6,000 feet under the hottest and driest of places lie huge stores of underground water called aquifers In some places, this water comes to the surface and it is called an oasis
Oasis - Libya
Tropics Africa has a large tropical area – the largest in any continent 90% of the continent lies within the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn This is very good for agriculture
Sunshine and Rainfall Rainfall is often a matter of extremes Rainfall vary from year to year Several drought in 1980’s and 1990’s Drought is a period of dryness It causes damage to the crops (agriculture)
Sunshine and Rainfall Rainy seasons last for 6 months In Cameroon, it can rain up to 7 inches an hour It rains only in the winter in North Africa and during the summer in Southern Africa
Grassy Continent Africa vegetation consists of grasslands, rain forests, and many other plant life Serengeti Plain at Tanzania
Perfect conditions to grow grass Waterbuck
Tropical Grassland Grass grows as tall as a person Ideal place for grazing animals Graze means “to feed on growing herbage” Large mammals make annual migrations Wildebeest, gazelles, and zebras
Rain Forest The major rain forest are located in the area of the Congo Basin +100 kinds of trees, hundreds species of birds, and a massive number of plants The air is hot and very humid Farmers use the slash and burn technique S&B farming is responsible of the destruction of the rain forest