First Peoples in Canada Grab a Chromebook Decide if you would like to be an odd or an even On the following slide are 16 terms associated with the treatment of First Peoples in Canada from the 19th to the 21st century. If you chose odd, look up information on the odd numbered terms. If you chose even, look up information on the even numbered terms.
First Peoples in Canada 1. Indian Act of 1876 2. Indian Act of 1905 3. Indian Act of 1911 4. Status Indian 5. National Indian Council, Native Council of Canada, & National Indian Brotherhood 6. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 7. Canadian Bill of Rights, 1961 8. White Paper, 1969 9. Dryden Chemicals Company, 1970 10. Donald Marshall 11. Helen Betty Osborne 12. 1982 Constitution Act 13. Meech Lake Accord 14. Charlottetown Accord 15. Royal Commission Report of 1996 16. Aboriginal Action Plan, 1998
First Peoples in Canada At the conclusion of your research, respond to the following: Are there similarities and/or differences in the treatment of Canadian First Peoples and indigenous groups in Latin America or Native Americans in the USA? Provide specific examples of similarities and/or differences. Provide an explanation as to why a similarity or difference is present. To what extent have the First Peoples of Canada advanced their civil rights since 1945?