Pronunciation for Presentations Sentence Stress-In a presentation, content (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and question words) words are stressed by saying them in a louder, clearer, and longer way-on the other hand, function words (articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and auxiliary verbs) are not usually stressed Intonation-This device is the rising and falling of the voice when speaking-intonation should fall at the end declarative statements and rise at the end of questions Consonant Clusters-Refers to 2 or more consonants grouped together-they are pronounced with no vowels between them Compound Nouns-The stress is usually placed on the first syllable in a compound noun Noun/Verb Pairs-Some 2 syllable verbs and nouns are spelled alike-Most 2 syllable nouns are stressed on the first syllable and most 2 syllable verbs are stressed on the second syllable Linking-When a word begins with a vowel sound, it is often pronounced as 1 word by using the final consonant of the previous word Final Consonants-Pronounce final consonants carefully-it can confuse listeners if they are omitted