Presented 12 June 2008 Vasteras, Sweden TC57 Overview Presented 12 June 2008 Vasteras, Sweden
WG13 – EMS API Convener - Terry Saxton, Xtensible Solutions The principal task of the IEC 61970 series of standards is to develop a set of guidelines and standards to facilitate (1) the integration of applications developed by different suppliers in the control center environment and (2) the exchange of information to systems external to the control center environment.
WG14 Scope Convener - Greg Robinson, Xtensible Solutions Scope - The IEC 61968 series of standards facilitate inter-application integration of the various distributed software application systems supporting the management of utility electrical distribution networks. Utilities often refer to this as standards-based enterprise application integration.
WG16 Scope Convener – Jim Waight, Siemens Scope - Develop Standards for Electricity Market Communications Promote use of TC 57 CIM as basis for communications standards
WG19 Scope Convener – Paul Skare, Siemens Scope: Interoperability within TC 57 Vision: (1) All new TC57 standards should use/extend the CIM as the common semantics for their configuration/engineering modeling, and 61850 for [SCADA oriented / IED / field] communications. (2) Other existing standards would likely take a mapping approach. (3) Foster a common data modeling approach across TC 57.