Middle Ages (500-1400) By: Samuel Gomez
Middle Ages Art It was a time in which Christianity started to grow in Europe as well as catholicism in the Latin West The visual arts that prospered in the middle ages created their own unique values. The wealthy focused on cathedrals, churches, sculptures and paintings from artists.
Notre Dame Cathedral (1163- 1345) Built in Paris, France Built by Pierre de Montreuil, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus, and many more Took almost 2 centuries to build, and uses a French Gothic style of architecture They use texture around the cathedral to make it seem more sharp Stones and beams were used for framing
Bosom of Abraham Trinity There are many versions of it but this one was made from 1420-1450 Artist is unknown Created with stone and carved into it Shows a group of tiny figures seen on the cloth Uses value to show the emptiness behind the cloth Uses emphasis to focus more on the cross
Relief of the Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus Made in Amiens, France 1264 - 1288 Made with limestone with traces of polychromy and gold leaf Artist is unknown Shows the final hours of Jesus’ life in which Judas kisses him while Jesus is being arrested It was a way of identifying him and arrest him Uses color in the clothing to show how they would dress
Gargoyles Created in the 13th century Mostly used in cathedrals and castles to protect them from evil Made out of limestone and marble, stone gargoyles were kept carved on the ground and then put into place when building was completed Use texture to give the face a frightening expression
Pietá Years: 1498 - 1499 Created by the one and only Michelangelo Located in St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City Created with Marble Depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother after the Crucifixion Uses line and texture to give detail to show how wounded Jesus was