We love the country, in our area and nearby
We love the country, in our area and nearby
We love the country, in our area and nearby
But this Apollo butterfly has disappeared from our Jura Mountains, above certain altitude. Why?
Back in our town: People drink canned juice Back in our town: People drink canned juice. Then, they throw their junk meters only from bins…
Here, recyclable stuff is abandonned close to the recycling bins – a few more steps!
On the left, some of the « Green Line » containers have been burnt On the left, some of the « Green Line » containers have been burnt. The people who live in « vertical habitat » find it hard to understand how important it is to recycle…
At College les Bruyeres in Valentigney: we strive to learn, educate, share and help through action:
World Water Monitoring Day Our school takes part in several international events, WWMD is one of them. Peak pollution happens during drought summers.
Unep /Eno Tree Campaign Every year, the Special Needs pupils, together with « ordinary pupils », plant a tree. Nature and Art form a symbol of peace, integration and love of our Nature. This year, a Gingko Biloba was chosen.
Natural Disaster Youth Summit This year, a group of seniors is taking part in the NDYS – sharing knowledge and making friends in Taiwan, Russia, Indonesia, Japan … from a distance!
Comenius + eTwinning = RRR In November, nearly 60 pupils and teachers from 7 different schools in Europe met for a week at our school to work together. One of the groups collaborated on the 3 Rs. During the week, we took the whole party to our Recycling facility and Composting plant.
« ROARR Club » Reduce Or/And Reuse, Recycle During the European partners’ visit, it was decided to create ROARR clubs to take action and make our schools become cleaner. The club at our school is run by younger pupils. Two « Ambassadors » are elected to represent the school at all official manifestations.
COMETHIC Fair Trade and sustainable Business within our walls: a group of pupils has created a School Company, Comethic. Commercial actions are being organized. The benefits will be donated to three different charities: UNICEF, « The Children of Chernobyl » and an organization which funds schooling of children in Nepal.
« A Few 2 … » Pascal Chatonnay (left), researcher and professor at university, and Claude Bourdon, English teacher, together with this group of students, are working at the first version of a « socially responsible Social Network » for children and teenagers. The aim is to collaborate on projects together and to promote these projects on the Network. Would you like to join, and be one of « A Few To … Take Action? »