Program Manager’s Review 06/25/2004 Overview of the Radiation Protection (RP) Department (From the 50,000-Foot Level)
Program Purpose Protect and preserve the radiological health of our workers, the public, and the environment.
Requirements Performance goals - ES&H ISMS: Outcome Performance Measures for FY2004 Performance Measure 2.3: Exposures of personnel to ionizing radiation will be adequately controlled. Performance Measure 2.3.b: Lost or unreturned dosimeter investigations and dose assignments are carried out in a timely manner (within 90 days of the monitoring period). Performance Measure 2.4.a: Radioactive materials, including contaminated and/or activated materials, are controlled at all times. Performance Measure 4.2.b: Low-level waste generated will be managed by the Radioactive Waste and Materials Group in compliance with applicable DOE Orders and regulatory requirements
Requirements ES&H ISMS: Work Smart Standards Package & Transport Radioactive Material 10CFR71 Occupational Radiation Protection 10CFR835; Atomic Energy Act DOE-N-441.4 Radiation Protection, Public & Environment DOE O 450.1, CRD (as applicable) Management of Nuclear Materials DOE Order 474.1A Hanford Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria HNF EP 0063 Washington Dangerous Waste Regulations WAC 173-303 Radioactive Waste Management DOE-O-435.1(except 4.b.) Radioactive Waste Management DOE-M-435.1-1, Chapters I and IV (except I.1.E, IV.D.4, IV.E, IV.G.(1)(d), IV.M.(1)(c), V.M.(2)(e), IV.M.(3), IV.N.(2),V.P, IV.Q, IV.R.(1), and IV.R.(3)) Environmental Protection DOE O 450.1, CRD (as applicable) Environmental Protection DOE-O-5400.5, Ch. II, paragraph 1 [except 1.a(3)(c) & 1.c], 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8a; Ch. III & IV
and TOP-erational Health Physics, not Slop-erational Health Physics Our Department Five-Year Goals quantized: “Radddd“ Physics, not bad physics…. and TOP-erational Health Physics, not Slop-erational Health Physics