Fractions! Mrs. MIller
Fractions A FRACTION is a number that represents a part of a whole. Fractions are useful whenever you need to split things up. 1 Whole Cake 4 pieces are the same as 1 whole cake
3 4 Parts of a Fraction = the number of parts = the total number of parts that equal a whole
Parts of a Fraction 3 = numerator 4 = denominator
Which number is circled? 3 = numerator 4
Look at this fraction: 3 5 3 5 of the scarf is blue.
¾ looks like 1/4 1/4 3 4 1/4
What fraction of the pie is blue? 3 4
What fraction of the rectangle is blue? 4 6
Everyday Fractions Fractions are useful when you want to split something fairly with a friend.
Journal Question: Hayden and his friends cut a sub sandwich into 10 equal parts. He and his friends ate 7 parts. What fraction was eaten? *Draw a picture of the sub. Shade in the parts that were eaten. Write the fraction of the parts that were eaten.
Fractions Parts of a Group Mrs. Willis
How can I read and write fractions as part of a group? Essential Question: How can I read and write fractions as part of a group?
Parts of a Group 2 8 Megan’s Buttons: Megan bought some buttons at the craft store. What fraction of Megan’s buttons are red? Megan’s Buttons: 2 Part Whole/ Total 8
What fraction of the balls are blue? 3 4
What fraction of the balls are blue? 1 4
What fraction of the balls are blue? 1 6
What fraction of the fish have stripes? 3 5
What fraction of the pins are knocked down? 3 10
How can I read and write Fractions as a part of a group? Essential Question How can I read and write Fractions as a part of a group?
Journal Question Amaya has 12 ribbons. 1/ 12 of the ribbons are red and 3/ 12 of the ribbons are blue. The rest are yellow. What fraction of the ribbons are yellow? DRAW A PICTURE OF THE RIBBONS!
Adding Fractions Mrs. Willis
What are like Fractions? Essential Question: How do I add Fractions? What are like Fractions?
Review: What is a fraction? Numerator Part Whole Denominator A FRACTION is a number that represents a part of a whole.
What fraction of the rectangle is blue? 4 6
What fraction of the circles are red? 3 9
What is wrong with the problem? Jedda has 36 stickers. Tristen has 44 apples. How many more apples does Tristen have than Jedda?
Like Fractions… Fractions that have the same denominator are like fractions. In other words, fractions that have the same ______ are like fractions.
Adding Fractions A fruit punch recipe says to add 2/4 cup orange juice and 1/4 cup pineapple juice. How much juice is needed altogether?
Questions… Why doesn’t the denominator change? How could you use fraction bars to find 1/3 + 1/3?
Try some! 3/6 + 1/6 3/5 + 2/5
Word Problem Kayla has 6 plums and 2 apples. She buys two more apples. What fraction of the fruit are apples?
What are like Fractions? Essential Question: How do I add Fractions? What are like Fractions?
Journal Question Emory and Mykel share a pizza. Emory ate 3/8 of the pizza and Mykel ate 4/8 of the pizza. How much total pizza was eaten? *Draw a picture/ Use fraction blocks!
Subtracting Fractions Mrs. Willis
Essential Question What are like Fractions? How can I subtract Fractions?
Review: What is a fraction? Numerator Part Whole Denominator A FRACTION is a number that represents a part of a whole.
What fraction of the circles are red? 3 9
Find the Like Fractions: 1/4 2/3 4/5 2/4 3/6 2/5 1/8 2/ 8
Subtracting Fractions Review: How do I add fractions? 3/ 4 + 1/ 4= 2/9 + 4/9=
Problem Nadia’s dad has 7/8 of his pan of corn bread to share with the family. If Nadia eats 2/8 of the corn bread, how much of the corn bread is left?
Try some! 3/6 – 1/6 5/8 - 2/8 7/10 – 4/10 4/5 – 1/5
Essential Question What are like Fractions? How can I subtract Fractions?
Problem Solving Amaya has a pizza that is cut into 8 equal slices. Amaya ate 3/8 of the pizza. How much of the pizza is left?
Journal Question Hayden subtracted 1/5 from 4/5 and got 3/0. Aundracia subtracted the two fractions and got 3/5. Who is right, Hayden or Aundracia? SHOW WORK!!!
Fractions Mrs. Willis
Essential Question What is a Fraction?
Using your decimal models, show 6/10. Fractions Using your decimal models, show 6/10.
What fraction is shaded?
What fraction is shaded?
What fraction of the balls are red?
Find the like Fractions 1/4 4/5 1/10 2/4 6/8 4/10 4/8 3/5
Add the Following Fractions: 2/5 + 1/5= 1/8 + 5/8= 3/4 + 1/4=
Subtract the Following Fractions 5/6 – 4/6= 7/10 – 5/10= 4/6 – 3/6=
Solve Mekiya and Carlyse ordered a pizza. Mekiya ate 2/8 of the pizza. Carlyse ate 3/8 of the pizza. How much of the pizza did Carlyse and Mekiya eat altogether?
What fraction names the part of the figure below that is shaded? Solve What fraction names the part of the figure below that is shaded?
Your Task! Drum Roll Please!!! We Will be Playing… TRASHBALL!!!
Journal What is a fraction? Name the 2 parts of a fraction. What part of the fraction below is shaded?
Model Fraction Decimal Read 6/10 0.5 7 tenths