Movement of Heat Movement of Heat
Metals are very good conductors. Conduction Conduction is the movement of heat through a substance (normally solids) without the substance actually moving. Metals are very good conductors. Non-metals are usually poor conductors (insulators). Gases are very poor conductors Conduction
Conduction in non-metals
Conduction in metals Conduction in metals
Conduction Conduction
Convection is the movement of heat through fluids (liquids and gases). As particles are heated they move faster, making this part of the substance less dense and causing it to rise. This sets up a convection current. Convection
Convection in Liquids Convection in Liquids
Convection in Gases Convection in Gases
Convection Convection
The hotter the object the more infra red radiation is emitted. Radiation is the movement of heat in gases and through space; it does not require particles to travel. This heat radiation is infra-red radiation. The hotter the object the more infra red radiation is emitted. Dark, matt surfaces emit and absorb more radiation than light, shiny surfaces at the same temperature. Radiation
Radiation Radiation
Radiation Radiation
Emitting Radiation Emitting Radiation
Absorption of Radiation
Absorbing & Emitting Radiation
Thermos Flask Thermos Flask
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