Evidence-Based Teaching Practices: Moving Beyond Identification Toward Implementation With Fidelity NCSI Cross-State Learning Collaboratives Part B Meeting November 29 and December 1, 2016 Dallas, Texas Copyright © 2015 American Institutes for Research and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Today’s Objectives Participants will: Acknowledge that practice-based opportunities are critical in strengthening educator capacity. Recognize the essential features of high-quality practice-based teaching opportunities. Gain awareness of strategies to integrate practice-based opportunities into the preparation and professional learning of educators. Is adding “teaching” in the second bullet accurate/appropriate?
Learner Ready on Day 1 What does this mean? Good goal, but we know that... Expertise is not built overnight. Completing a preparation program does not guarantee implementation fidelity. Many professional learning events have had marginal impact. Fidelity of evidence-based practices (EBPs) is essential, but EBPs are not a sure thing.
State Systemic Improvement Plan Phase II Data 87% Of states identified ….used professional development as an improvement strategy ….used technical assistance ….used coaching as an improvement strategy 77% Surveys across participants show a significant increase in both knowledge and readiness after participating in the first session. 57%
Professional Learning and Development: How Will It (Or Can It) Be Different? Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. —Albert Einstein
Aligning State Initiatives Consistency in Instructional Expectations Aligning State Initiatives Ideal? What about student needs? Expectations of Instructional Practice Evidence-Based Practices, High-Leverage Practices Personnel Preparation Practice-Based Opportunities Induction/ Mentoring Coaching and Feedback Educator Evaluation Instructional Leadership Professional Learning Sustained Support Program Approval Professional Standards Licensure and Certification Policy State Strategic Plans State Equity Plans School Improvement Plans State Systemic Improvement Plans State Personnel Development Grants Title IIA
Breakout Session Discussion Every Student Succeeds Act and EBPs: What Is Their Impact on Instructional Expectations Across the Tiers? In multi-tiered systems of support, the “practice” in “evidence-based practice” is different in each tier! Wouldn’t this mean that criteria for evidence should differ too? Breakout Session Discussion
to What Does It Take…… To move beyond identification implementation with fidelity?
Practice-Based Opportunities Teachers are provided opportunities to practice what they have learned to reach an expected level of expertise.
Guidance Documents
Essential Features of High-Quality Practice-Based Opportunities Picture from: http://couponflip.com/10-essential-features-of-web-hosting/
Essential Features Candidates seems to need a modifier, at least the first time it’s used. Teacher candidates?
Essential Features
Practical Examples Virtual simulations Candidates are provided an opportunity to teach content and practice in a virtual environment.
Step 1: Identify critical skills and pedagogy. Rubric Framework Step 1: Identify critical skills and pedagogy. What skills do teachers need across the tiers? EBPs and high-leverage practices What is the focus/objectives of the professional learning activities? What skills do teachers need to be learner ready from day 1? Evidence-based practices (EBPs) and high leverage practices (HLPs) CEEDAR resources: Innovation Configurations (ICs) and Course Enhancement Modules (CEMs) Table 1: Identifying EBPs and HLPs (see below) Step 1: Identify critical skills and pedagogy What skills do teachers need to be learner ready from day 1? Evidence-based practices (EBPs) and high leverage practices (HLPs) CEEDAR resources: Innovation Configurations (ICs) and Course Enhancement Modules (CEMs) Table 1: Identifying EBPs and HLPs (see below) Step 1: Identify critical skills and pedagogy
Step 2: Assess and consider professional development quality. Rubric Framework Step 2: Assess and consider professional development quality. To what extent are focus, coherence, and duration reflected in the professional learning events? What skills do teachers need to be learner ready from day 1? Evidence-based practices (EBPs) and high leverage practices (HLPs) CEEDAR resources: Innovation Configurations (ICs) and Course Enhancement Modules (CEMs) Table 1: Identifying EBPs and HLPs (see below) Step 1: Identify critical skills and pedagogy What skills do teachers need to be learner ready from day 1? Evidence-based practices (EBPs) and high leverage practices (HLPs) CEEDAR resources: Innovation Configurations (ICs) and Course Enhancement Modules (CEMs) Table 1: Identifying EBPs and HLPs (see below) Step 1: Identify critical skills and pedagogy
Three Key Ideas Focus is the degree to which opportunities to practice target the critical content and pedagogy identified. Duration is the length of time that candidates are offered to extend learning and develop mastery of the critical content and pedagogical approaches. Coherence is the extent to which common expectations of instructional practice are reinforced and advanced throughout and across professional learning opportunities. A practice-based approach is based on three key ideas. Image from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/37647346861601972/
What Does It Feel Like for Teachers?
Activity Time The second bullet under Questions to Consider uses jargon that may not communicate with everyone (i.e., “through lines” and “scaffolded”). Is there a simpler way of communicating that point?
Activity Time
Moving It Forward Considerations State educational agency Educator preparation programs Local education agencies
Breakout Sessions Evidence criteria Leaders: An essential factor in effective EBP implementation
Jill Pentimonti, jpentimonte@air.org For additional information, support, and technical assistance: • Contact your NCSI TA facilitator • Submit your question on Ask the NCSI NCSI Presenters: Jill Pentimonti, jpentimonte@air.org Lynn Holdheide, lholdheide@air.org
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