Figure 1 Grip strength across the lifecourse Figure 1 | Grip strength across the lifecourse. Factors that affect muscle can do so from an early age by influencing the development of peak muscle mass and/or rates of muscle loss. Peak muscle mass is attained in youth and followed by decline in grip strength in later life. Grip strength over the course of life is illustrated here. This figure has been adapted from the pattern of grip strength observed by Dodds et al.12, which is published under an open-access licence This figure has been adapted from Dodds et al.12, which is published under an open-access licence https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/ Dennison, E. M. et al. (2017) Epidemiology of sarcopenia and insight into possible therapeutic targets Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2017.60