Academia Survey Results Academia Members Surveyed: 859 Sample Size: 62 (7%) 11/18/2018
Category of Institution Represented in Sample Research University (Carnegie Level I): 33 4-Year College/University: 29 Community College: 0 11/18/2018 Question A03
Position of Respondents >70% at Faculty Level 11/18/2018 Question A01
Estimated Number of Students at Respondent’s Institutions 25 22 20 15 14 Responses 12 11 10 5 2 1 <500 500- 2500- 10,000- 20,000- >30,000 2500 10,000 20,000 30,000 Estimated Students The average institution has about 17K students (> 75% of respondents estimated > 10K students) 11/18/2018 Question A04
Students Involved in RS/GIS Related Programs Based on survey results, the average number of students involved in RS/GIS related programs at respondents’ universities/colleges is about 140 Therefore, students involved in RS/GIS related programs at these universities are slightly less than 1% of the student body population (17,000) This small % of Student Population probably has a negative effect on funding/resource availability 11/18/2018 Question A05
Disciplinary Background 20 Geography 12 Forestry 9 Other (Not Defined) 6 Civil Engineering Discipline 4 Photogrammetry 4 Geology 4 Environmental Science 1 Physics 1 Computer Science 1 Agriculture 10 20 30 Number of Responses Respondents weighted toward Geography and Forestry 11/18/2018 Question A02
Sample Characterization Greater than 70% Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors located at fairly large institutions All from 4-year colleges/universities; most from research universities (Carnegie Level I) Weighted towards geography and forestry 11/18/2018
Estimate of Disciplinary Degrees Granted in RS/GIS Academic Programs 1995-2010 2500 Physics Computer Science 2000 Geology 1500 Forestry Disciplinary Degrees Granted Photogrammetry 1000 0ther Environmetal Sci. 500 Civil Engineering Geography 1995 2000 2005 2010 All disciplines increase Geography nearly doubles Geography and Environmental Sciences account for greater than 50% of the degrees Years 11/18/2018 Question A06 & A07
Certificates may be a growth industry for Academia Estimate of Degrees and Certificates in RS/GIS Academic Programs 1995-2010 Certificates may be a growth industry for Academia 3000 2500 2000 PhD MS 100% 1500 BS 90% 80% Certificates 1000 70% 60% 500 Disciplinary Degrees Granted 50% 40% 30% 20% 1995 2000 2005 2010 10% 0% 1995 2000 2005 2010 Years 11/18/2018 Question A06 & A07
U.S. vs. Foreign Remote Sensing Students 1995 - 2010 5000 Is U.S. remote sensing student population decreasing? 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 US Students Non-US Students 2000 1500 1000 100% 500 90% 80% 70% 1995 2000 2005 2010 60% 50% 40% 30% The percentage of Non US students is growing at an average rate of more than 20% per year. 20% 10% 0% 1995 2000 2005 2010 11/18/2018 Question A06 & A07
? Estimate of RS/GIS Staff &Faculty Recruited: 1995 - 2010 Cyclical Recruiting Process 300 250 ? 200 118 126 Number of Employees Staff 150 Faculty 74 100 55 118 118 50 78 85 1995 2000 2005 2010 Totals 133 236 159 244 Years 11/18/2018 Question A08& A09
Estimate of RS/GIS Specializations Hired in Academic Programs 1995-2010 250 Hiring is also cyclical ? 200 LIDAR Hyperspectral 150 Radar GPS High Spatial Resolution 100 0ther GIS 50 1995 2000 2005 2010 11/18/2018 Question A08& A09
Factors Affecting Institutions 2000-2004 Program funding and availability of graduate students are key issues 11/18/2018 Question A10
Student Span of Interest* in RS/GIS Sectors * As perceived by faculty members 11/18/2018
Respondent-Perceived Changes in Demand for Selected RS/GIS Areas 2000-2004 11/18/2018 Question A11
Government/Private Sector Actions to Advance Educational Programs* 11/18/2018 *Based on 62 respondents with a choice of up to 3 responses Question: A13_01-03
Educational Community Actions to Advance Educational Programs* 11/18/2018 *Based on 62 respondents with a choice of up to 3 responses Question: A 14_01-03
Conclusions Preponderance of respondents anticipated increase in graduates, with largest increase in university-based certificate programs. Estimate of about 1% of university students enrolled in RS/GIS programs. Is this sufficient to meet future demand for graduates with proper levels of knowledge and capability?? Respondents indicate that demand for students educated and trained in RS/GIS applications, hyperspectral, spatial analysis and multi-sensor fusion will be high. What are the abilities of universities, governments and the private sector to move programs toward these areas that are new, costly and have a greater degree of private sector involvement for equipment and data access than ever before. 11/18/2018
Conclusions Faculty indicate program growth, but are Not optimistic about large increases in sustained hiring of RS/GIS faculty, Indicate the governmental funding for instructional and research program and lab development is their major concern for the future, Indicate that the supply and support of graduate students is second primary area of concern for the future. Without allocation of resources to program development, sustained hiring of new faculty and the increased availability of graduate students, programs will not grow to meet anticipated demand. 11/18/2018