2018 Bismarck High Girls Soccer Player/Parent Meeting
Coaches Andy Foss – Head Coach Michelle McGeary– Varsity Assistant Michael Frenzel – Varsity Assistant & Goalkeeper Coach Michelle McGeary– Varsity Assistant Logan Christensen– Varsity Reserve (JV) Coach Katie Berg – JV 2 Coach (JV Maroon)
Program expectations The Bismarck High Mission statement: “The mission of Bismarck High School is to foster a tradition of excellence by empowering students to become responsible citizens who make sound personal choices and decisions.” Program expectations
Program Expectations 2 things that you can control every day: Attitude Effort Committed to the team and the program Representing entire BHS girls soccer program – think about your actions Actions when in public and the community Social Media Certain sacrifices are to be expected to be a part of this program Playing time is earned in practices, not given Will be discussed with player if needed, not parents
Program Expectations Bullying/Hazing Maintain good academic standing Will not be tolerated All part of the same program/family here, no need to make anyone feel like an outcast Maintain good academic standing Playing soccer for BHS is a privilege, not a right Go to class, do your work – if you need help make sure you ask
Lettering Play in at least 3 varsity matches Maintain good academic standing throughout the season No violations or suspensions for off the field actions
Good Academic Standing Classroom attendance is mandatory I have access to check on attendance of every player Must be passing at least 5 classes Grade checks come out every 2 weeks (Monday)
Important information Complete BEFORE first practice (March 26th) Registered online Physical View concussion video & sign form (online) – parents and athlete View anti-bullying video (athlete only) Pay activity fee of $50 to the office (not to be confused with booster fee, unless family has met maximum)
Important Information “Paperwork” that needs to be done Medical release form Concussion sheet Code of Conduct Activity Fee paid into the office at BHS This is separate from the $50 booster fee Check with office for special consideration of fees - $125 limit for an athlete for the year - $200 limit for the family for the year
Important Dates March 13th– Online store opens (closes March 19th) Get your gear ordered ASAP Tuesday, March 20th - ImPact concussion test date 4 pm in Room 215 at BHS March 26th - First Day of Tryouts 5 pm at Cottonwood (fingers crossed) If we can’t be outside, I will get word out ASAP about when/where tryouts will be conducted Tuesday, April 3rd - Picture Day & Potluck Practice at 3 pm at Cottonwood Potluck at 6 pm @ BHS
Important Dates April 7th– First Varsity/JV game – away vs St Marys @ Sandford Complex April 26th – First game vs Century May 8th – Senior Night vs Legacy @ Community Bowl All Seniors dress Varsity May 22 & May 24 – WDA Tournament in Bismarck @ Sanford Complex May 31-June 2 - State Tournament in Bismarck June 4 – End of year banquet – ALL players/parents are welcome
ImPACT Concussion testing ImPACT concussion testing (March 20th at BHS Rm 215 – Computer Lab next to Library - 4 pm) Any player new to BPS system – regardless of age Any player that may have missed the testing the previous year ALL freshman ALL juniors Any student-athlete new to the BPS district Those students that missed testing the previous year (i.e. someone who plays 10th grade football but did not play 9th grade football or any other sport 9th grade year) Those students who do not fit into one of the above categories but for some reason missed testing during the 2016-17 school year.
Tryouts March 26th– First Day of tryouts – 5 pm at Cottonwood First 3 days will be used to evaluate players and decide teams Once teams are decided, teams will begin practicing together. Players may be moved depending on ability and coach’s discretion Players must complete a mandatory 9 practices prior to competing in first game We will practice over Easter break, so please try to keep travel to a minimum Be prepared when practice begins If unable to attend a day of tryouts, player can contact Coach Foss via text, phone call or email
Online Merchandise Store www.bsnteamsports.com Access code: girlskick2 Open tomorrow morning (March 13th) through March 19th
Team Website/Communication www.bhsdemonsoccer.net/girls Schedules, rosters, team news, booster news, etc. can be found here Find us on Facebook & Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/Bismarck-High-Girls-Soccer @BHSDemonSoccer These will be updated frequently. Fastest way to receive practice/game time changes BHS Athletics website Rschool scheduling system
Booster Club Co-Presidents Secretary Treasurer Shari Zeis Amy Remboldt Dawn Henriksen Treasurer Lynn Burgard
Booster Club Please make sure all contact information is correct so you stay in the loop Consider helping out with various activities Fundraisers, bonding opportunities, team meal nights, Senior Night, etc. All fees, activities and communications are meant to help the girls enjoy their experience with BHS girls soccer even more
Questions, comments, concerns?