Robert’s Rules of Order: Answers to Some Common Questions The National Exchange Club Ken Roberts
Today’s Topics – FAQ Meetings Some Particular Motions Quorum Voting Boards and Committees Discipline
Meetings Regular Meetings Special Meetings Executive Session Electronic Meetings
Regular Meetings Normal meeting without special purpose or restrictions. Generally at scheduled intervals (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) Slightly different from an Annual Meeting.
Special Meetings AKA a “Called Meeting” Meeting called in accordance with Bylaws. Meeting is for specific purpose which is outlined in the meeting notice. Members must be given adequate notice. It is restricted to the business specified in the meeting notice.
Executive Session Meetings to deal with a sensitive or confidential issue. Generally called by a Motion to do so. Restricted to members, staff, employees and/or those invited. Minutes of meeting are restricted to those present. Violation of secrecy may be subject to disciplinary actions.
Electronic Meetings MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN THE BYLAWS. Simultaneous aural communications. Chat Rooms, email, FAX, etc. are not recommended. Electronic requirements for participation Have rules for conducting How to determine a quorum How to conduct voting
Some Particular Motions We assume you are familiar with normal motions, amendments, etc. Previous Question Objection to Consideration Table a Motion Motion to Reconsider Rescind or Amend Previous Actions Division of a Question
Previous Question “Call for the Question” – Chairman should exercise sensitivity “I move the Previous Question” If seconded Takes precedence Not debatable nor amendable (except motion to table) Requires 2/3 vote End debate and call immediate vote.
Objection to Consideration To completely avoid consideration or discussion of a particular motion. Must be made before discussion has begun or it is too late. No second is required. Not debatable nor amendable Requires 2/3 vote.
Motion to Table To interrupt the pending business so as to do something else immediately. Not amendable nor debatable Only majority vote required Alternatives: Object to consideration Postpone to a certain time Postpone indefinitely Commit or refer to …
Motion to Reconsider To correct hasty or ill advised action or consider changed circumstances. Only made by member previously voting with the prevailing side. Can be seconded by any member Majority vote required to pass Within same meeting session Can not undo completed action
Rescind or Amend Previous Motion to change something previously adopted by the group. Must be seconded and is debatable. No limits on time or previous voting. Requires 2/3 vote if adequate prior notice not given. May be applied to subordinate groups (e.g. Executive Committee)
Division of the Question To divide a motion with multiple parts so that each may be considered separately Must be seconded Not debatable, may be amended Majority vote, can not be reconsidered Some motions cannot be easily separated. Series of dissimilar resolutions may be divided by request of member without voting.
Quorum The number of members necessary to validly conduct business. Number of members present, not the number voting. Generally set by the Bylaws or Rules Quorum recognized by Chairman Once established a quorum is presumed until noticed otherwise
Absence of a Quorum Adjourn Recess to get the necessary quorum. Actions taken in the absence of a quorum are at risk. Actions may be ratified by the Assembly later but there is no obligation to do so.
Voting Majority vote is more than one-half of the VOTES CAST. Blanks and abstentions are not counted Bylaws or Rules may dictate otherwise Should abstain if conflict of interest. Chairman voting (if member) By ballot, as any other member May break a tie or create one
Boards and Committees Executive Committee May be empowered to act on behalf of the larger group. Powers and authority generally defined in Bylaws or Rules Actions generally may be overruled by the Assembly if not too late.
Ex-Officio Board Members Members by virtue of position Not counted in determining a quorum Has the right to make motions and vote but no obligation to do so.
Small Boards and Committees Members raise hand for recognition. Motions do not need a second. Member may speak multiple times. Informal discussion may take place before a motion. If proposal is perfectly clear, a vote may be taken without motion. Chairman may discuss and vote.
Discipline A group has the right to determine who may attend and participate. Generally all members have the right to attend. Nonmembers can be excluded by Chairman, by Rule, or by a motion. Chairman must maintain control and good order.
Dereliction of Duty / Misconduct Section 62 of Robert’s Rules of Order provides remedies for abuse of authority by the Chairman during a meeting. There is also provision for the removal of officers from their office if necessary.
Not Covered Today Today’s seminar has been limited to dealing with frequently asked questions about parliamentary procedures. In the handbook you have been given the last half is a quick reference for your use. It contains many of the most common motions and how they are to be used.
Any Questions?