Wisconsin State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)
Hubs Parent Leadership Early Childhood Transition IHE WPDM-PD Parent Liaisons, PTIC Educators, Paras, Child Caregivers District Transition Coordinators, CESAs Faculty (Public, Private, University and College) RtI, PBIS
Wisconsin SPDG and Collaborative RtI Projects RtI and SPDG http://www.wisconsinrticenter.org/ RtI and Family Engagement http://www.wisconsinrticenter.org/parents-and-family/understanding-rti/femodule.html Collaborative RtI Video Project http://www.ecb.org/rti/ IHE Summer Institute and RtI http://www.wispdg.org/he/summer_inst.html
Next Steps Train Parents on the RtI Family Engagement Module Expand the practice of RtI across state and groups Continue collaboration with IHEs to change pre-service Thank You! For more information: Linda.krantz@dpi.wi.gov