GES-REG Good Environmental status through regional coordination and capacity building Juha-Markku Leppänen Marine Research Centre Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE) Workshop on Biodiversity theme (Descriptors 1, 2, 4 & 6) Brussels, 7-8 November 2012
Project aim Support implementation of MSFD in all participating countries Give input to the parallel work in HELCOM Partners from Estonia, Finland, Latvia (Sweden) Associate partner
Project region
Work packages WP1 – Project management and coordination – to guarantee high quality administration, management and communication WP2 – Analysis of initial assessments – to perform detailed analysis of initial assessments for coherence and gaps Support to HELCOM Roof Report WP3 – Advance knowledge base to support assessment of GES – guidance for harmonised use of descriptors, criteria and indicators Food web, litter and noise WP4 – Sound and cost effective joint monitoring and assessment scheme WP5 – Economic and social analysis
WP4 – Sound and cost effective joint monitoring and assessment Analysis of existing monitoring and measurement programs Elaboration of a joint cost-effective monitoring network Development of a joint monitoring and assessment scheme in the sub-region Support revision of HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Strategy Development of new assessment methods
Monitoring and Assessment System
Coordination and sharing Increasing joint initiatives such as surveys, campaigns and cruises, Using remote sensing and autonomous measuring devices to complement ship cruise data and thereby enhance data coverage, Promoting the use of ”human sensors” Using modelling to combine data and produced optimised data layers, Sharing infrastructure, Quality gains from specialization of countries and national institutes
Examples Using unattended measuring devices to complement conventional monitoring and thereby enhance data coverage, quality and increase cost-efficiency From low-frequency station-based monitoring toward continuous observations and sub-region scales
Ship-of-Opportunity Network Horizontal profiles of T, S, Chl a, cyanobacterial pigments, water samples: nutrients, species composition Vertical profiles of T, S, Chl a
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging ”Light radar”: Measures the distance of the seabed by emitting laser ligth and by registering the time for the reflected light pulse to return. Also usable underwater: presently able to measure bottom topography at 2,5 X secchi depth. Also possible to distinguish between main vegetation types (e.g. bladderwrack, filamentous algae on rock).
© SUPERB Overview of LiDar classification output enhanced with prediction data for the classes “Fucus” and “High vegetation”
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Status classification Human sensors iPhone Smart phone applications to report algal observations Surface plankton blooms Bladderwrack condition Nokia Symbian/Java iPhone from Apple Store Android phone from Google Play GPS positioning Photograph Status classification
Integration High number of variables and high horizontal resolution High temporal and horizontal resolution High temporal and vertical resolution Research vessels Hydrography Nutrients Plankton Benthos Satellite remote sensing Temperature Turbidity Chlorophyll Cyanobacterial blooms Buoys Temperature Salinity Oxygen Turbidity Chlorophyll Cyanobacterial pigments Mathematical Models Human sensors Plankton blooms Bladerwrack ? SOOP Temperature Salinity Oxygen Turbidity Chlorophyll Cyanobacterial pigments Nutrients Phytoplankton High resolution data layers Good temporal and spatial resolution High vertical and temporal resolution moderate number of parameters
Thank you!