Leadership Programming Model


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Presentation transcript:

Leadership Programming Model Nebraska FFA Association

Students Students are the central focus for all programming decisions. They are focused on by asking the question of “What do they need right now?” and “What do they need to be successful industry leaders in the future?” Programming decisions will be made with progressive thinking, and through consultation with students, education professionals and industry professionals.

Students COLT Chapter Officer Leadership Training will become focused on helping officers understand their roles within their given office, recruiting members, planning events, and establishing a high quality Program of Activities. It will continue to be offered in late May, and StrengthsQuest results will continue to be used and implemented throughout this conference and all other chapter officer training experiences.

Students EDGE Engaging Districts for Growth and Excellence (EDGE) will be held a maximum of 12 times between September 15th and December 15th. Each district will be encouraged to host one EDGE conference, and the date for the conferences must be set by June 1st annually. Each EDGE conference will provide curricular material for Discovery and Greenhand students, as well as a curricular piece for chapter officers. Three or four state officers will attend and facilitate each EDGE conference. This conference will be last 2-3 hours depending on the session selection of the district. The district teachers will be responsible for arranging for a location, organizing the meal(s) and managing the registration process.

Students P2C Pathways to Careers Conference (P2C) will be offered in mid-November at the same time and in the same location as the Nebraska Agricultural Education Symposium. In 2015, the location is in Grand Island. List of identified presenters will be shared 30-60 days prior to the conference, and participants may register until the conference capacity is met. Students will choose which sessions they attend, which may include sessions from a variety of pathways. Teachers will receive technical skill training opportunities from the industry representatives present. The conference will begin during the evening of the first day with a welcoming/opening session facilitated by the state officer team, and the second day will begin with conference sessions at approximately 8:30 a.m., include a noon speaker (Curtis Tomasevicz in 2015) and conclude at approximately 4:00 p.m. Registration cost will be dependent upon sponsorship available.

Students Chapter Visit Program The Chapter Visit Program will be offered January 25-March 20. Teachers will continue to select sessions based on their class make-up. The CVP should also serve as a touchpoint with the chapter officers and school administration.

Students Activate Activate is made available to less-experienced, younger FFA members who may be emerging leaders in their respective chapters.

Students Leverage Leverage is made available to experienced FFA members who may likely be officers or strong leaders in their respective chapters. A component to be added in 2016 is a chapter officer development piece that aids in preparing them for chapter banquets.

Students State Officer Program The state officer experience is truly one more program of Nebraska FFA. It, like all other programs, is not an experience that is meant for each student to have. All programming pieces are connected to it, and it to them.

NAYI LSEs CDEs NPower Nebraska State Fair Nebraska FFA Convention National FFA Convention

NAYI LSEs CDEs Students NPower Nebraska State Fair Nebraska FFA Convention NAYI Students State Officer Program COLT EDGE P2C Chapter Visit Program Activate Leverage CDEs NPower LSEs Nebraska State Fair National FFA Convention