National FFA Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Dev. Event Dr. Jim Connors, PRP CDE Assoc. Superintendent
Event Format Component Points Percentage Written Exam 200 20% Minutes and Other Records Practicum 50 5% Team Demonstration 500 50% Oral Questions 100 10% Team Problem Solving Practicum 150 15%
Written Exam 45 multiple-choice questions (No RONR) 60 minutes time limit 5 research questions Direct quotes found in RONR Page number only 30 minutes time limit Covers basic parliamentary procedure, organization rules, etc.
Minutes & Other Records Organizational minutes and other records Treasurer Report Officer Reports Financial or Audit Reports 30 minutes Scantron form scored electronically
Minutes & Other Records Multiple-Choice questions. Sample Meeting video. Sample set of meeting minutes to review. References NAP Body of Knowledge Domain 2 RONR Pages 354-355 Pages 468-480
NAP Body of Knowledge II. Domain #2 Minutes and Other Records A. The proper content of minutes. B. How a minutes approval committee functions. C. How minutes are approved and amended before and after adoption. D. The different types of records – including financial records – kept by an organization. E. Take notes during a meeting and prepare minutes from them. F. Approve and correct minutes. G. Prepare a treasurer’s report.
Minutes Practicum Objective questions (correct answers) Review NAP Body of Knowledge and RONR pages. Have all members serve as Secretary to practice taking minutes. What Was Done at the Meeting: A Guide to Minutes (NAP) A Great Meeting Needs A Great Secretary! (NAP)
Team Demonstration President, Secretary, four team members Local chapter item of business (main motion) Assume a regular chapter meeting is in progress “Is there any further business that should be presented to the chapter at this time?” 11:00 minute demonstration
Event Time 11:00 minute demonstration 2 pt. deduction for each second over 11:00 Digital clock counts up from time presentation begins. No other visual warning is provided.
Item of Business Program of Activities Fundraisers Recreation Refer to the FFA Manual and Student Handbook for ideas
Required Motions Team members will each be assigned a specific required motion they must demonstrate. The team will have to demonstrate 5 required motions. 2 subsidiary motions 2 incidental motions 1 privileged motion or a motion which brings an item back before the assembly
Sample Event Card Main Motion: I move to hold an FFA basketball tournament. Assigned Motions: Amend………………………………………………Subsidiary Lay on the Table……………………………………..Subsidiary Point of Order………………………………………..Incidental Division of the Assembly…………………………….Incidental Recess………………………………………………..Privileged
Main Motion Must be the first motion presented. Exceptions If rescind, reconsider or take from the table are “assigned motions”
Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly Rescind “I move to rescind the motion passed at our last meeting to go on a canoe trip.” Reconsider “I move to reconsider the motion passed earlier in this meeting to go on a canoe trip.” Take from the Table “I move to take from the table the motion to go on a canoe trip that was tabled at the last meeting.”
Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly The assigned original main motion is to be the first item of business presented, unless, Take from the Table, Reconsider, or Rescind are required on the event card. If any of these motions are on the event card, the team may choose to demonstrate the motion at the beginning of their demonstration OR at the end of the demonstration, after they have disposed of the original main motion. Points are only deducted if parliamentary error occurs or if event time requirements are violated.
Call for the Orders of the Day Privileged Motion Must be moved when another motion is pending. Should NOT be the first motion demonstrated before the original main motion assigned on the card.
Call for the Orders of the Day Scenario: At the December chapter meeting the motion to “pay for two chapter members to attend the Washington Leadership Conference” was postponed and made a Special Order for 3:00 pm during the January meeting. Main Motion: I move to hold an FFA basketball tournament. Assigned Motions: Commit Postpone Indefinitely Point of Order Division of the Assembly Call for the Orders of the Day
Call for the Orders of the Day Option A – Set Aside the Orders of the Day Member: “I call for the orders of the day to take up the Special Order postponed at our last meeting to 3:00 pm today.” Chair: The orders of the day are called for. Will the chapter proceed to the orders of the day? As many as are in favor of proceeding to the orders of the day rise, thank you be seated. As many as are against proceeding to the orders of the day rise, thank you be seated. There being 2/3 in the negative, we will not proceed to the orders of the day.” (RONR, p. 223)
Call for the Orders of the Day Option B – Handle the Special Order Member: “I call for the orders of the day to take up the Special Order postponed at our last meeting to 3:00 pm today.” Chair: “The orders of the day have been called for. It is now 3:00 pm. The Special Order postponed from the last meeting was to “Pay for two chapter FFA members to attend the Washington Leadership Conference.” (RONR, p. 191) Is there any discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor of the motion say “Aye” All those opposed to the motion say “No”
Division of a Question I move that the chapter sponsor a teacher appreciation breakfast during National FFA Week and purchase a gift for all teachers at the school. (2015 Semi-Finals) If Division of a Question passes there are 2 main motions pending Motion A: Sponsor a teacher appreciation breakfast during National FFA Week. Motion B: Purchase a gift for all teachers at the school. Debate would be scored on both motions. Never observed a team pass Division of a Question. If passed, team must handle both motions.
Appeal Incidental motion Debatable unless Relates to indecorum or a transgression of the rules of speaking. Relates to the priority of business; or Is made when an undebatable question is immediately pending.
Suspend the Rules Incidental Motion Vote required Majority vote for chapter standing rule. 2/3 vote for parliamentary rule. Rules that have their application outside of the session which is in progress cannot be suspended (RONR p. 264, ll. 29-30)
Suspend the Rules I move to suspend the chapter standing rule that does not allow freshmen from serving on committees. I move to suspend the chapter standing rule that requires all motions to be submitted in writing.
Motion Primers Topics NAAE Communities of Practice Call for the Orders of the Day Suspend the Rules Reconsider Raise a Question of Privilege NAAE Communities of Practice Parliamentary Procedure
? ? ? Oral Questions ? Each member is asked a specific question that relates to their assigned motion. The Chair is asked a question relating to his/her responsibilities, handling motions, debate, etc. Clarification questions Questions to clarify the team’s demonstration ?
Team Problem Solving Practicum All 6 team members Copies of RONR Electronic copy of RONR for cutting and pasting quotes. Real world parliamentary problem to solve. Determine correct solution to problem. Find references in RONR to support solution.
Preparing Winning Parliamentary Procedure Teams
Hints (How to WIN) DO NOT Pass the main motion and introduce another main motion that is not related to the topic. Fail to perform an assigned motion Fail to complete 5 additional motions Go over the time limit (11:00)
Hints (How to WIN) DO Have every member debate at least 4-5 times. Answer questions as concisely and clearly as possible. Ace the exam and minutes practicum STUDY, STUDY, STUDY
Team Preparation Event Rules Event Components Give each member a copy of the rules and review them. Event Components Exam Minutes Practicum Demonstration Oral Questions Team Problem Solving Activity
Exam Preparation Every member should have a copy of RONR. Assign specific sections for study Subsidiary motions Privileged motions Incidental motions At least once per week give the team a practice test.
Demonstration Preparation Start at least 2 months prior to first contest. Meet at least twice/week for one hour. Practice 1-2 demonstrations each meeting. Advisor should prepare main motion and assigned motions. Advisor should ask oral questions after each demonstration.
Parliamentary Procedure Resources National Assoc. of Parliamentarians (NAP) American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP) Society for Ag Ed Parliamentarians (SAEP) Dr. Daniel Foster – Penn State Dr. Jim Connors – Univ. of Idaho