Puyallup School District PAEOP In-Service Informational Presentation August 21st, 2018
Your Substitute Services Office Team! Dr. Ailene Baxter – Staffing and School Support Director Rhonda Knudson – Staffing and School Support Coordinator Johna Noble – Region 1 Substitute Coordinator Tyler Ann Maringer - Region 2 Substitute Coordinator Holly Jette - Region 3 Substitute Coordinator
Some Resources: For Substitutes: For Employees: Every building should provide their substitutes with a “Sub Binder” with helpful information. Here are a few resources that we find more useful: A school floor plan – where the staff lounge/restrooms are Emergency information Attendance and lunch processes (Keeping an extra attendance sheet for the sub) Important contact information with names and numbers – main office, security, administrators, ETC. And the bell schedule For Employees: Email your regional substitute coordinator for any schedule changes, Frontline Absence Management questions OR general information: region1substitutecoordinator@puyallup.k12.wa.us region2substitutecoordinator@puyallup.k12.wa.us region3substitutecoordinator@puyallup.k12.wa.us When / How to create an absences through the substitute system. Employees and building have a priority list of substitutes. Here’s a link for all CBA’s so each employee is aware of their entitlements: https://www.puyallup.k12.wa.us/cms/One.aspx?portalId=14 1151&pageId=178333
Schoology: On Schoology, we have created our own PSD Substitute Self-Help Center group with useful resources. https://puyallupsd.schoology.com/group/1124147480
Payroll – how to check paystub: The link for Employee Online: https://employeeonline.puyallup.k12.wa.us/ifas7/login/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fifas7%2fEmpOnline The user and password should be the same as your district email. You will not need to add the @puyallup.k12.wa.us after your user name.
Payroll continue: To find your Check Stub, look under Pay Information and click on the Check Stub link. Click on the Check Date to view your Check Stub
Frontline Absence Management: How to Create an Absence for yourself
Frontline Absence Management:
More Frontline Absence Management Resources: Departments Human Resources Substitute Services Office Frontline Absence Management
Frontline Absence Management: Whenever you enter in an absence into Frontline Absence Management you should get email a confirmation number. If you do not see a confirmation number just make sure to check “Scheduled Absences”. When requesting leave, Frontline will email you once it’s been “Approved or Denied”. Any edit’s or updates to your absence, you’ll receive an email for that as well.
Electronic timesheets! Just simple information Name of employee Date Time in and out Employee # What were they doing? - If the employee is not absent, please clarify what the activity or event is for missed planning. Budget code Signature of whoever is authorizing the budget code
Timesheets: Elementary School Usually missed planning is when the librarian or music teacher is out. If an other elementary teacher’s position doesn’t get filled: Who covered who Total of the class and how many kid’s each teacher took on when a class get’s split How long did they cover Sub Office will budget code
Timesheets: Junior High and High School For day of: emailing your substitute coordinator with who covered who is totally fine too! We know missed planning is a lot of work, so getting it entered sooner than later helps. If the employee is not absent, please clarify what the activity or event is for missed planning. If it’s not a planning period being covered, clarify: EX- Jag time, Advisory, etc. For any missed planning the sub office will budget code UNLESS the building is paying. Absent Teacher Coverage Teacher #1 Coverage Teacher #2 Coverage Teacher #3 Coverage Teacher #4 Coverage Teacher #5 Coverage Teacher #6
Timesheets – Who get’s what What goes to sub office? Any missed planning Any work done by a substitute Classified Dibels Certificated Dibels? ASB budget code for PRO DEV Bus riding done by PARA’s? What goes to Payroll? Extra hours worked outside of someone’s contracted hours EX: Parent meeting after school ASB rate of pay for an activity or event
Make sure you upload your building’s documents for your substitutes to have as a resource: Building map Bell schedule / Event’s calendar Emergency procedures Contact list of the building’s staff When entering SICK or EMERGENCY leave, you have the ability to assign a confirmed substitute. Any other leave that requires approval, you DO NOT have the ability to do so. Under “Notes to Administrator” state who your confirmed substitute is and then we can assign then at that time if leave is approved. Also, make sure your building’s preferred substitute list is updated! Remind your staff so they get who they want first in their classrooms …Don’t forget!
Shared Files:
Preferred substitutes:
Q & A:
Our Contact Info: Johna Noble – (253) 840-8824 Region 1 Substitute Coordinator [ A – H ] Office Hours 7:30 – 4:30 Tyler Ann Maringer – (253) 841-8607 Region 2 Substitute Coordinator [ I – P ] Office Hours 6 - 3 Holly Jette – (253) 841-8788 Region 3 Substitute Coordinator [ Q – Z ] Office Hours 5:30 – 2:30
Thank you for all that you do!