WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle One: The conversion of the monolingual community into a multilingual community
WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Two: The exposition of Scripture that is fresh, true to the text, and contextual opens new pathways for those who listen.
WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Three: The community of faith in Jerusalem experienced vitality and radical growth.
Miracle Four: “They continued” steadfastly WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Four: “They continued” steadfastly
The breaking of bread at the shared table brings communion. WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Five: The breaking of bread at the shared table brings communion.
Those who seek, hunger and thirst for God will pray radical prayers. WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Six: Those who seek, hunger and thirst for God will pray radical prayers.
WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Seven: Extraordinary signs and wonders gave a charismatic dimension to the community.
WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE Miracle Eight: Radical generosity supplied the needs of the least and the disadvantaged.
WE ARE NOT DRUNK AS YOU SUPPOSE No, we are not drunk; but it is the fulfilled Word of God told to us in Joel 2:28 (NKJV): “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.”