POSITIVE COACHING SCOTLAND EFFORT LOG Overview Effort logs can be used to monitor the effort put in by each player/athlete during your coaching session. Coaches may complete the log themselves or enlist the help of an assistant coach or injured player/athlete to help. Select some key areas such as effort, behaviour or attitude and mark the young person from 1 (extremely light) to 5 (extremely hard). You can either use the log for your own record or share it with the young person and use for discussion about development areas. This can be used to encourage the type of behaviour you want at your sessions. However, remember not to give the reward to the same players/athletes every week or others will become dispirited and feel that their effort is not being recognised. You can edit the text in the template to suit your sport. You can insert your own club logo. You can then print out the template for use.
EFFORT LOG POSITIVE COACHING SCOTLAND DATE: TEAM: COACH: Name Attendance Effort Behaviour Attitude Team work TOTAL POINTS Points scale: 1 - Unsatisfactory 2 - Satisfactory 3 - Good 4 - Very good 5 - Excellent Rate this tool! Give us your feedback.