The Era of Discovery at the Large Hadron Collider High Energy Experimental and Theoretical Particle Physics at Rutgers
CERN – Large Hadron Collider Proton-Proton Collisions 14 TeV
Electroweak Scale Standard Model - Higgs Sector SU(2) £ U(1) Gauge Symmetries Quark and Lepton Masses mW,Z = g v Spontaneously Broken m = h v Higgs Sector h H i = v = Scalar Order Parameter v = 174 GeV No other Positive Information
Electroweak Scale Standard Model - Higgs Sector SU(2) £ U(1) Gauge Symmetries Quark and Lepton Masses mW,Z = g v Spontaneously Broken m = h v Higgs Sector h H i = v = Scalar Order Parameter v = 174 GeV No other Positive Information Excitations – Higgs Boson
Physics Associated with the Higgs Sector ?? Supersymmetry (Fermionic Extra Dimensions) Technicolor Warped Extra Dimensions ……… Dark Matter The Era of Discovery: How will we Discern New Physics in the Data ? What Signatures will be Important ? How will we Unravel the New Physics and Discover the Physics Associated with Electroweak Symmetry Breaking ?
Hadron Collider :
Invariant Kinematic Correlations Uniform |M|2 on Two Body Resonances Consistent with Intermediate Scalar Edges Three Body Tree (Only feature in . D=1 Histogram) Coincide with Endpoint of Resonant . Two Body Correlation - Arise from “Missing” Lepton - Anything Else Contributing to . Edge is massless Relative Density of Two Body Resonances, . Resonant Two Body Correlation, and . Edge Contrast - Br ( lll) / Br( llX) Dalitz (symmetrized) 2 m132 2 m122
Invariant Kinematic Correlations Three Body Resonant Trees 310 GeV · mlll · 330 GeV Further Enhances . S/BCombinatoric Contrast m123 m132 m122
Kinematic Correlations Nl ¸ 4 No Kinematic Correlation - Consistent with Arising from . Different Parent Particle m14 = m and m23 m or m14 m and m23 = m - Single Resonant Two Body Decay m14 = m23 = m - If Density at Intersection \geq 2 . Some Events with (At least) . Two Resonant Two Body Decays - Density at Intersection gives Fraction m14 m23
Isolating Top Quarks Top Quarks Couple Strongly to Higgs Condensate
Discerning SUSY in Cascade Decay Correlations Dilepton Invariant Mass Distributions
High Energy Particle Physics at Rutgers – LHC Experiment Theory Eva Halkiadakis Amit Lath Steve Schnetzer Sunil Somalwar ….. Tom Banks Matt Strassler Scott Thomas …..
What will You Do in the Era of Discovery ? This Could Be You !