Desired outcome: 10% growth: AZ Merit testing for the past three years in third grade average out at 33% passing in Math and 16% in English-Language Arts (ELA). AZ Merit testing for the past three years in fourth grade average out at 25% passing in Math and 16% in English-Language Arts. AZ Merit testing for the past three years in fifth grade average out at 32% passing in Math and 13% in English-Language Arts. The 2015 AZ Merit testing was done paper-pencil; the past two years online. Formative assessments used are weekly in math and ELA grades 1-5; formative benchmark assessment are done through Power Test grades 2-5; STEEP assessments are done quarterly k-grade 5; monthly grade k-1.
ADE; BT; ASB; Impactful decisions: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona-education/2018/02/26/arizona-high-school-students-testing-options-azmerit-sat-act-ap-cambridge/373497002/
Curricular focus:
Text complexity: Close reading; evidence; justification
ELA sample formative:
Desired Outcome: DEP (Dine Educational Philosophy) Nitsahakees = thoughtfulness, brainstorm, awareness Nahat’a = prepare, organize, information, gathering Iina = implementation, application, experience Sihasin = evaluation, reflection, celebration
Grant opportunities to expand and support curriculum Suggestions for Improvement Need a director or coordinator for the program Need to decide whether to continue to use Az World Native Languages Standards - which includes: communication - reading, writing, listening, and speaking; culture connection, comparisons, communities. Navajo Nation Standards which has five (5) components: oral language, culture, government, navajo history, and Dine character building. Navajo Oral Language Assessment which has been compiled by DODE, who can decide this for our program?
Desired Outcome: Proactive Measures Safety procedures; Kindness reminders; kindness challenge; bullying presentations; PLC Trainings with the Trust Morning announcements Kindness challenge dojo celebration days Administration offering: being a positive member of the learning community PLC
TUBA CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATA COLLECTION K-2 STEEP PM for Kinder - LSF and 1st Grade - WIF (Tells us mastery of sounds and mastery of sight words) STEEP Benchmark 1st and 2nd Grades: BME (Tells us who is reading at mastery, instructional, frustrational Levels) Weekly MATH and ELA formatives (Tells us who has mastered math/ELA standards and who needs reteach and enrichment) 1st & 2nd grade Spelling Tests (Tells us who can spell words; sounds mastered) Daily Math Skills - Math Fluency (Tells us who is at mastery, instructional and frustrational levels of basic math facts)
Data analysis - ELA
DA (continued)
DA (continued)
Item analysis
Item analysis (continued)
Data Analysis: Math
DA (continued)
DA (continued)
Item analysis
Item analysis (continued)
Grades 3-5 Strengths: 1. Leadership Team 2. Planning and Collaboration 3. Data Digs (reteach/enrich, daily instruction, intervention) 4. Formatives and PSA (aligned) 5. Study Island and IXL 6. Class Dojo Celebration
Strengths 1. Leadership Team 3 SAT
Strengths 1. Leadership Team 3 Mentors
Strengths 1. Leadership Team ITL
Strengths 1. Leadership Team ITL
Strengths 2. Planning and Collaboration
Strengths 3. Data Digs (reteach/enrich, daily instruction, intervention)
Strengths 3. Data Digs (reteach/enrich, daily instruction, intervention)
Strengths 4. Formatives and PSA
Strengths 4. Formatives and PSA
Strengths 5. Study Island
Strengths 5. Study Island
Strengths 5. IXL
Strengths 6. Class Dojo Celebration
Areas of Concern (suggestions): RTI not utilize to its full potential {full time SAT/preschool} (t) Enrichment Programs {STEAM} (t) Bullying: kindness; courtesy (s) {counselor} Art class: {STEAM; summer} (s) More one calls (p) Library {grant; online} (p)
Thank you for the opportunity to work with our children.