Please sign in and take a seat anywhere! WELCOME TO OPEN HOUSE! Rachel Laney Nye- 6th grade Language Arts Room 402 with Mrs. Knee- per. 1&2 and per. 7&8 Please sign in and take a seat anywhere!
“Impacting futures by learning today!"
Be PREPARED! Bring L.A. Binder with 5 tabs and spiral every day! Bring OWN book every day! (CHOICE) Bring paper, pens, pencils, highlighters, CAT, books, and other required materials every day! Writing-composition book is kept in the classroom. Reading-spiral is kept in the classroom. Folder is kept in the classroom. Textbooks are online. We use class sets. We share post it notes, index cards, map pencils, and other materials as needed.
Grades Minor – 30% Major – 60% Homework – 10% Late homework/ daily grades – -30 if late You can access grades online!
Homework on board and on screen daily Agendas tab Approximately one-two assignments per week (vocabulary and others) Check website Agendas tab KEEP UP WITH CAT!!! on board and on screen daily
Important Days Monday and Wednesday are our TEST days Vocabulary homework and quiz routine is usually Monday-Thursday We go to the library approximately once every 2 weeks. We also go to the computer lab approximately once per grading period. Tutoring is offered every Monday before school in room 404-no pass required
Web Site http://classroom. kleinisd. net/default. aspx. Ms Web Site Rachel Laney Nye/Home
Important Class Information
Writing and Grammar
Conduct Character Traits The Three R’s Respect Responsibility Readiness Warning (4 questions), classroom consequence, and parent contact, before office
Prepared citizenship trustworthiness generosity fairness integrity Respect caring readiness Golden rule ready Prepared kindness Focused friendly responsibility Self-control
Communication with Parents e-mail: webpage: Rachel Laney Nye/Home Remind app Grade Book (Parent Connect): phone: 832-249-5370 (832-249-5400-direct line to the office) Conference-1:30-2:15 (MWF) *by appointment only
Figurative Language in Pop Culture
PRIDE Period 5 (Cougar PRIDE period) 12:56-1:25 daily Homework, make-up work, extra help, etc. READ! Quiet place to work and study! Sometimes used for teaching school wide programs or assemblies (character traits, Wise-up Program, etc.)
We can all work together to help your little squirrel!