FISD 7th and 8th grade Pre-AP Science Students and Parents Meet the Science Fair FISD 7th and 8th grade Pre-AP Science Students and Parents
Why do Science Fair? Increased proficiency in the process of scientific practices with greater relevancy. Promotes: Scientific literacy Time Management Critical Thinking Skills Multiple Intelligences
Communication Skills Writing skills - Students are encouraged to write and rewrite and then rewrite again. This enables them to improve this valuable skill. Verbal skills - Strengthens verbal skills and allows them to develop an interview style that makes them comfortable with peers and adults. Reading skills - Students must gain knowledge through exposure to a variety of resources.
Leadership As a result of conducting important research, students will likely gain self esteem and feel accomplished as they complete their science fair projects. Our students are making an impact on our community and becoming leaders right here on campus as well as within Frisco, Texas.
Awards, Scholarships and Trophies! Oh My! All students who participate at the Regional Fair receive a certificate. Cash awards from Beal Bank for those who place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Around 150 Special Awards to be won from local businesses and educational organizations.
So where does one begin?
Generally, the most challenging part of the science fair project is coming up with a question that you want to answer. You’ll be working on this project all semester, so you really want to enjoy your topic!
With each topic, consider: You will need to identify at least 3 potential questions you’d want to investigate. With each topic, consider: what you will measure (variables) how you will collect data (method) whether or not it is feasible to accomplish in North Texas and if project can be completed within the next 6-8 weeks (timeframe given)
Once your question is deemed feasible and appropriate by your teacher, you will develop a detailed RESEARCH PLAN. It is imperative that this plan, once approved, is followed EXACTLY as it was written.
Maintaining a Log Book The log book is a composition notebook (separate from your classroom science journal). It is the core of the science fair project and should be written in daily. It is a detailed account of every phase of the research process including: 3 potential project ideas research obtained design of the experiment data collection analysis of data graphs diagrams conclusions real-world applications modifications for a 2nd year study
Research Paper (typed) Title and Table of Contents Introduction Materials and Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion References and Bibliography
Science Fair Display Possible Sources Office Depot Hobby Lobby Walgreens Wal-mart Every 7th/8th Pre-AP Science Student in FISD will need one, get yours NOW! Paper shows up nicely on colors other than white.
Maximum Size of Project Science Fair Display Maximum Size of Project Depth (front to back): 30 inches or 76 centimeters Width (side to side): 48 inches or 122 centimeters Height (floor to top): 108 inches or 274 centimeters
Ways to Support Your Child Read the ISEF guidelines handbook completely. Transportation to work with a mentor, at a library, or to a group member’s house. Helping your child find credible resources for research. Regularly reviewing the Log Book. Monitor experiment procedures. Making sure research plan is followed exactly as it was approved. Ask lots of questions to prepare student for project presentation.
Ways to Support Your Child The resources you want to thoroughly review and refer back to for project ideas, greater understanding of guidelines, rules and regulations are found at these two sites.
CAMPUS SCIENCE FAIR: January 6-10, 2014 Judges will be FISD certified science teachers from another middle school campus. REGIONAL SCIENCE FAIR: February 15, 2014 Held at Fair Park on Saturday morning for those top qualifiers from Campus Fair. STATE SCIENCE FAIR: Date TBD (late March to mid April, 2014) Held in San Antonio, TX for those awarded top prizes from Regional Fair in Dallas, TX.
Questions and Comments? Thank you for attending. Good Luck!