NSIDC DAAC Statistics PoDAG XXIII Report
This chart illustrates the total number of data and information requests for the entire data center history. Points of interest: 1981 marks the beginning of the DMSP OLS archive 1990 marks the release of SSM/I CD-ROMs to subscribers 1995 marks significant SSM/I EASE-Grid CD-ROMs Subsequent steady growth largely due to DAAC activities but also includes release of EWG series, Permafrost and Educational CD-ROMs.
This chart illustrates the percentage of requests categorized by user type for all of NSIDC in Fiscal Year 2004.
This shows the number of ECS requests for the AMSR-E, GLAS and MODIS products plotted on a monthly basis for calendar years 2003 and 2004. AMSR-E and GLAS users tend to access data from the data pool more often than MODIS users. The hypothesis is that MODIS data were available before the data pool, and users became accustomed to accessing the data via the EDG interface.
This shows the number of AMSR-E, GLAS and MODIS granules distributed plotted on a monthly basis for calendar years 2003 and 2004.
This illustrates the volume of AMSR-E, GLAS and MODIS data distributed expressed in gigabytes and plotted on a monthly basis for calendar years 2003 and 2004. It includes the data pool.
This chart illustrates the number of granules and the volume of data ingested into ECS for calendar years 2003 and 2004 plotted on a monthly basis.
This chart illustrates non-ECS DAAC data distribution for calendar year 2004 plotted on a monthly basis. The y-axis to the left pertains to the pink and blue lines on the graph which represent the number of files and volume of data expressed in megabytes. The y-axis on the right pertains to the orange line which illustrates the number of unique IP addresses that accessed the site.
This chart illustrates the number of hits to the entire NSIDC web site and the number of distinct IP addresses that accessed the site plotted on a monthly basis for calendar year 2004.
This is an illustration of the top 10 content areas accessed by users on the NSIDC web site.
This chart illustrates the number of non-ECS requests by category This chart illustrates the number of non-ECS requests by category. These are requests through User Services and do not include FTP. A stacked column chart was used to help distinguish between specific products within the categories that we thought might be of interest to PoDAG. The category of 'Snow & Sea Ice' represents the Near Real Time and CD-ROM versions of the combined Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent products. The majority of requests in the 'Tools' category can be attributed to the GISMO search and order interface and the AS2GT AMSR-E tool.
This charts illustrates the percentage of users by user type as opposed to the other chart in the presentation which breaks down the percentage of requests by user type.
This chart illustrates the number of distinct users categorized by foreign and domestic for fiscal years 1997 through 2004. The peak in 2003 is attributed to several product releases. The FGDC CAPS CD-ROM has a a large number of foreign users. There were also fairly large numbers of foreign users of MODIS data, ARCSS data, and those that received the update to the EASE-Grid Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent CD-ROM.
Status of Metrics Reporting at NSIDC Multiple sources of information including FTP & Web logs, Trak, EDGRS, and DUEs. Systems tend to address the entire data center vs. specific projects. In the processs of developing standard procedures for metrics reporting across center and for projects. Simplified ECS reporting, and EDGRS is sole mechanism for reporting ECS distribution FTP Statistics Reporting Have modified scripts to improve functionality Need to link FTP reports to metadata database to be able to identify specific data sets Will address TRAK, EDGRS and FTP reporting as first priorities, then look at improving Web reporting