Brainwriting Rules: many ideas, defer judgment, wild ideas OK, record ideas Topic: “Hand-operated machines that do something interesting” One idea per line, as many as you can on sheet of blank paper For 4 minutes Go Form team of 4 (on slides, lines appear 1 by 1, must link clock manually) clock
Brainwriting (continued) Rotate sheets left Read the ideas and add more to the sheet For 4 minutes Go Form team of 4 Rotate sheets left. List new ideas on card, one idea per line, use both sides, M minutes Rotate cards left “Change scope and think of hand-operated machines that do something to a cucumber. List new ideas, P minutes Review and count ideas. Team with most ideas gets a candy prize Conclusion: These are possible robot ideas. Run this clock
Brainwriting (continued) Rotate sheets left Read the ideas New topic: “Hand-operated machines that do something to a cucumber” For 3 minutes Go This is a scope change. Good way to generate new ideas. Review and count ideas. Team with most ideas gets a candy prize Conclusion: These are possible robot ideas. Run this clock
Brainwriting (continued) Count total number of ideas by your team Select the most interesting idea At home, run this activity with your friends to get ideas for the robot Conclusion: These are possible robot ideas. Run this activity with some of your friends to get more ideas for the bot project. Candy prize for team with most ideas.