FINANCE HB 684 FY 2019 BUDGET HR 51 Forest Land Conservation HB 329 TAVT Leased cars, used cars County withholds 65%, State gets 35% County 51% Schools 49%
HB 217 Raises cap on SSOs TO $100 M, reduces administration fee from 10% to 3%
Revises safety procedures, hearings for closure for DCAL HB 494 Revises safety procedures, hearings for closure for DCAL
HB 673 Hands free driving while operating a motor vehicle including school buses
HB 700 Creates cancelable education loan financed by GSFC for members of National Guard
HB 718 Provides up to 5 excused absences for military dependents for certain military activities including therapy sessions
HB 739 Requires the PSC to expedite applications for certificates or permits from active duty spouses
HB 740 Requires that the Response To Intervention process be used before K-3 student can be expelled or suspended for more than five days.
HB 763 Extends attendance protocol committee to school climate; requires GEMA/FEMA drills
HB 787 Increases funding to State Charter School Commission schools and mandates they be a part of their local RESA.
HB 852 Permits student to remain in a school for the remainder of the school year if the parent moves to another attendance zone in same district
HB 853 Students placed in psychoeducational residential facilities may not be charged tuition.
Creates Center for Rural Development and Innovation HB 951 Creates Center for Rural Development and Innovation
HB 978 Permits school systems to contract with speed camera providers to operate in a school zone
Establishes joint/HOUSE study commission on State Accreditation. HR 898/HR 1162 Establishes joint/HOUSE study commission on State Accreditation.
Resolution encouraging the recognition of dyslexia issues HR 1017 Resolution encouraging the recognition of dyslexia issues
Establishes House Study Committee on School Safety HR 1414 Establishes House Study Committee on School Safety
SB 3 Encourages the development of CTAE pathways and credentialing for all CTAE programs; requires certain reports; changes WBP age to 15+
SB 82 National guard, reserves, active duty qualify for in- state for HOPE applications
SB 139 Schools/systems may propose new pathways; annually creates list of credentials and licenses with projected salaries of each
SB 330 Advances curriculum for agriculture education and expands program to K-5
SB 355 Eliminates Vogel surcharge on Georgia Power bills for persons under the 200% poverty level
SB 362 Establishes a pilot program to develop formative assessments for diagnostic purposes as compared to high stakes summative assessments
SB 401 Calls for GOSA to collect data on dual enrollment and instructs GADOE to study role and workload of school counselors; annual sex abuse prevention training grades 1-9