Signs of Wealth can draw undue attention. Signs of Wealth can draw undue attention. Dont present the outside of your home as a soft target. Dont present the outside of your home as a soft target. According to FBI statistics, a house, apartment or condominium is burglarized once every 15 seconds. According to FBI statistics, a house, apartment or condominium is burglarized once every 15 seconds. Fortunately, burglary is probably the most preventable of crimes. Fortunately, burglary is probably the most preventable of crimes. The first step is to determine what kind of threat you are trying to protect against. The first step is to determine what kind of threat you are trying to protect against. Most home burglars do not give great amounts of thought to planning the job. Most home burglars do not give great amounts of thought to planning the job.
Always lock all doors and windows when you leave the house. Always lock all doors and windows when you leave the house. Identify visitors before opening your door. Identify visitors before opening your door. Do not hide spare keys outside your home, instead give one to a trusted neighbor. Do not hide spare keys outside your home, instead give one to a trusted neighbor. Do not provide your house keys to service people. Do not provide your house keys to service people. Do not invite strangers into your home. Do not invite strangers into your home. Do not have money or jewelry lying out in view from a window. If possible, keep jewelry and other small valuables and important documents in a safe deposit box. Do not have money or jewelry lying out in view from a window. If possible, keep jewelry and other small valuables and important documents in a safe deposit box.
Who works nights or gets called out? Who works nights or gets called out? Who has a family member at home when you arent there? Who has a family member at home when you arent there? If you were locked out of your home, could YOU get inside? If you were locked out of your home, could YOU get inside? If youre gone, have those at home been trained on how to defend themselves! If youre gone, have those at home been trained on how to defend themselves!
There is no absolute way to protect your home from break-ins. Locks and other safety devices serve primarily to prevent entry by the amateur thief and to slow or deter the good one. There is no absolute way to protect your home from break-ins. Locks and other safety devices serve primarily to prevent entry by the amateur thief and to slow or deter the good one. –In that time is when you go into Defend Mode Things can go from good to bad in about….5 seconds! Things can go from good to bad in about….5 seconds! Secure the castle to defend the family! Secure the castle to defend the family! If you do have to defend yourself, be trained at what it takes to do so! If you do have to defend yourself, be trained at what it takes to do so!
Good lighting is one of the greatest deterrents to crime. Good lighting is one of the greatest deterrents to crime. You can mount floodlights, spotlights or motion lights on the corner of your house to flood the walls in all directions. You can mount floodlights, spotlights or motion lights on the corner of your house to flood the walls in all directions. They are inexpensive, relatively easy to mount and highly effective in reducing break-ins. They are inexpensive, relatively easy to mount and highly effective in reducing break-ins.
Three weak points: Three weak points: –The door itself –The door jam –The door hinges The Door Itself: The Door Itself: –Use solid wood or metal doors. The door jam: If not reinforced, it could end up looking like this! The door jam: If not reinforced, it could end up looking like this!
The 4 Reasons Why Doors are Able to Be Kicked In So Easily... Most door frames on houses are nothing more than two 2" by 4pine studs nailed together and covered with thin decorative wood trim. Most door frames on houses are nothing more than two 2" by 4pine studs nailed together and covered with thin decorative wood trim. Most door knobs and deadbolts are poorly secured in the door. Most door knobs and deadbolts are poorly secured in the door. Most door hinges are held to the door and door frame with screws about 1 inch long or less. (Go remove a screw from one of your door hinges and you'll see) Most door hinges are held to the door and door frame with screws about 1 inch long or less. (Go remove a screw from one of your door hinges and you'll see) Most door frames have a small, thin, weak strike plate that is held in with screws less than 1 inch long. Most door frames have a small, thin, weak strike plate that is held in with screws less than 1 inch long.
Door jam reinforcements: Door jam reinforcements:
Door hinge reinforcements: Door hinge reinforcements:
3M Security Film 3M Security Film Is absolutely tough stuff Is absolutely tough stuff Adhesive clear or tinted film that goes over glass Adhesive clear or tinted film that goes over glass
Pinning Windows Pinning Windows Use secondary blocking devices to prevent sliding windows from being opened from the outside. Use secondary blocking devices to prevent sliding windows from being opened from the outside. At a minimum, use wooden dowels to block horizontal sliding windows (and through-the-frame pins work well for vertical sliding windows). At a minimum, use wooden dowels to block horizontal sliding windows (and through-the-frame pins work well for vertical sliding windows). For ventilation, block the window open no more than six inches and make sure someone can't reach in from the outside and remove the blocking device or reach through and unlock the door. For ventilation, block the window open no more than six inches and make sure someone can't reach in from the outside and remove the blocking device or reach through and unlock the door.
Have a PLAN! Get to the phone…call 911. The family gets in a Safe Zone. Dont leave your Safe Zone. Be very quiet and listen. – –How many intruders are there? – –Are they ransacking the house? – –Are they making their way toward you? Dont argue with anyone about what to do. – – This alerts the intruder to where you are and causes you to multi-task.
Try to remain calm and cooperative if the intruder confronts you. – – How you behave in the first 30 seconds can set the tone for all that follows. Speak in as normal a voice as you can. Make no sudden moves. Speak in as normal a voice as you can. Make no sudden moves. Tell him that you will cooperate. Tell him that you will cooperate. Hold your hands up to shoulder level. It appears compliant, yet it affords you the ability to have your hands ready for defense. Hold your hands up to shoulder level. It appears compliant, yet it affords you the ability to have your hands ready for defense.
If you decide to fight back, look for an opportunity when the intruder lets down his guard. Use a hard object to strike his eyes or throat as fast and hard as you can. Dont worry about inflicting injury. Run as soon as hes stunned, and yell to get someones attention. The intruder would rather escape than become the center of attention.
Its your right and personal choice to own a firearm. People generally arent willing to shoot when they need to. You absolutely MUST be trained properly mentally as well as physically in weapons handling. – –Guns are fired in less than 2% of home-intruder situations but a criminal seeing the weapon and fleeing are in dramatically higher percentages. Also, you must keep the gun loaded and nearby for it to be effective.