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Presentation transcript:

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Women in stem A Bit of History 1636 Harvard opens 1879 women separate school 1871 women petitioned 1920 allowed in Edu 1945 allowed in Med 1950 allowed in Law 1833 – women allowed (Oberlin) But only some classes 1980 – 50/50 attendance Harvard opened in 1636…but is was Oberlin university in 1833 that first allowed women for degrees. However, only some courses allowed women. Other courses were meant for men…science and math.

Women in stem Science Primarily Male Dominated Societal constraints Women felt incapable Men felt women incapable Women meant for marriage & babies

Women in stem A Bit of History Women have been in science Voices are not as loud Work has been stolen Snubbed due to sexism

Women in stem Chien-Shiung Wu Manhattan Project The law holds that in quantum mechanics, two physical systems—like atoms—that were mirror images would behave in identical ways. Chien-Shiung Wu Manhattan Project Disproved law of parity – cobalt-60 Colleagues got Nobel – left her out

Women in stem Esther Lederberg Lambda bacteriophage She deserved credit for the discovery of lambda phage, her work on the F fertility factor, and, especially, replica plating Esther Lederberg Lambda bacteriophage Husband got the Nobel and shared it with colleagues

Women in stem Jocelyn Burnell Discovered pulsars discovered pulsars in 1967 while still a graduate student in radio astronomy at Cambridge University in England. Jocelyn Burnell Discovered pulsars Supervisor and a colleague got the Nobel

Women in stem School Statistics K-12 Girls on par with male peers Gaps found in race/background/income Less educated parents – less enrollment Low income – less enrollment Male students – more likely to take engineering and computer science

Women in stem University Statistics Women earned 50.3% of science/engineering degrees Gender disparity found in minority women 11.2% Science/engineering 8.2% Grad degrees 4.1% PhD Gender disparity in specific sciences 17.9% computer science 19.3% engineering 39% physical 43.1% mathematics

Women in stem STEM Workforce Statistics Gender disparity 50% of college educated workforce 29% science/engineering 62% social 48% bio/ag/enviro sciences 15% computer 25% math Gender disparity 35.2% chemists 11.1% physicists/astronomers 33.8% environmental engineers 22.7% chemical engineers 17.5% civil/architectural engineers 17.1% industrial engineers 10.7% electrical/computer hardware engineers 7.9% mechanical engineers Women remain underrepresented in the science and engineering workforce, although to a lesser degree than in the past, with the greatest disparities occurring in engineering, computer science, and the physical sciences

Women in stem STEM Workforce Statistics Race and ethnicity are salient factors 70% of STEM workers were white (2013) 11% are minorities (27% US working age population) Minority women makeup 1:10 employed scientists and engineers The U.S. science and engineering workforce has become more diverse, but several racial and ethnic minority groups continue to be significantly underrepresented.

Women in stem Current Issues for Women in Stem Leaving the field Sexism/harassment Not first authors Lack of representation in peer review Peer treatment

Women in stem Report via American Association of University Women

Women in stem Report via American Association of University Women

Women in stem Report via American Association of University Women

Women in stem Report via American Association of University Women Women likely leave the workforce due to work environment, bias, and sexism Report via American Association of University Women

Women in stem Recent studies Male classmates consider other males more apt in science Treatment of women likely contribute to them leaving the field Women forced to choose family or career Inappropriate work environment

Women in stem Women have struggled Under-represented Have made huge contributions Still some walls to overcome Must start shifting perspectives Address bias and hostile environments Progress isn’t a straight line

twins Sources! http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/ten-historic-female-scientists-you- should-know-84028788/ https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/node/311241 http://www.washington.edu/news/2016/02/11/male-biology-students-consistently- underestimate-female-peers-study-finds/ https://www.nwhm.org/online-exhibits/education/introduction.html https://www.usnews.com/education/articles/2009/03/11/historic-firsts-in-womens- education-in-the-united-states http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/04/hard-earned-gains-for-women-at- harvard/ http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/13/130519-women-scientists- overlooked-dna-history-science/ https://ngcproject.org/statistics https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/31/women-science- industry-structure-sexist-courses-careers http://www.aauw.org/research/why-so-few/ Images via Google Search

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