Cross Sectional Anatomy Think Tank hholdorf
1. The abdominal aorta bifurcates into the common iliac arteries at the level of what lumbar vertebrae? L4
2. The SMA provides the blood supply to the small intestines and portions of the large bowel. True or false. True
3. The first major branch of the abdominal aorta is the? Celiac trunk or Celiac Axis
4. The second major branch of the abdominal aorta is the___________? SMA
5. The vessel which is located between the first portion of the duodenum and the anterior surface of the pancreatic head and originates from the hepatic artery is the ________________? GDA
6. The IMA arises at the level of what lumbar vertebrae?
7. What is the portal vein’s location as it relates to the IVC? Anterior
8. The right renal artery courses anterior to the IVC. True or false.
9. The left renal vein courses _____________ to the SMA. Posterior
10. The right common iliac artery courses over the left common iliac vein. True or False
11. The veins which connect the deep and superficial venous system are called ______________. Perforators
12. Blood is transported from the liver to the IVC via the what? Hepatic Veins
13. The internal iliac arteries are also known as the _____________________. Hypogastric
14. When the aorta bifurcates, it splits into what ? A. left and right internal iliac arteries B. Left and right external iliac arteries C. left and right common iliac arteries D. None of the above. C
15. The inferior vena cava is formed by the following: A. left and right hypogastric veins B. left and right internal iliac veins C. left and right external iliac veins D. left and right common iliac veins D
16. The left renal vein is considerably longer than the right 16. The left renal vein is considerably longer than the right. True or False True
17. The left renal vein passes posterior to the splenic vein at the body of the pancreas. True
18. The hepatic veins drain blood from the liver and return it to the SVC. True or False
19. The hepatic veins empty immediately into the Superior Vena Cava 19. The hepatic veins empty immediately into the Superior Vena Cava. True or false. False
20. The plane that divides the body into right and left portions is the A. horizontal or transverse plane. B. Frontal or coronal plane C. interiliac plane D. Sagittal plane D
21. The splenic vein is identified as A. Anterior to the aorta B. Anterior to the Superior Mesenteric artery C. Caudad to the celiac axis (trunk) D. All of the above D