Demonstrative adjectives; adverbs of place
This, These (refer to something right in front of you or immediately accessible) Singular Plural Masculine Feminine este estos estas esta
That, Those (refer to something relatively nearby or accessible, but not necessarily immediately in front of you) Singular Plural Masculine Feminine ese esos esas esa
That, Those (refer to something farther away or more remote than that or those) Singular Plural Masculine Feminine aquellos aquel aquella aquellas
Casa (this) Carpetas (these) Vestido (that) Zapatos (those; farther away) 5. Ventana (that; farther away) 6. Vasos (those) 7. Secadora (this) 8. Espejo (that) Esta casa Estas carpetas Ese vestido Aquellos zapatos Aquella ventana Esos vasos Esta secadora Ese espejo
Palabras de localización (Right) here Aquí Over here Acá (Over) There (specific place) Allí (Over) There (general area) Allá ¡Ven aquí! Come (right) here!
Práctica de hablar Aquellos chicos son de escuela/ del colegio. Those boys (over there) are from school. Aquellos chicos son de escuela/ del colegio. These books are interesting. Estos libros son interesantes.
Práctica This boy is tall. Those girls have a lot of friends. That car is new. These computers are fast. That (far away) shirt is pink.
Those girls have a lot of friends. This boy is tall. Este chico es alto. Those girls have a lot of friends. Esas chicas tienen muchos amigos/muchas amigas. That car is new. Ese carro es nuevo. These computers are fast. Estas computadoras son rápidas. That (far away) shirt is pink. Aquella camiseta/camisa es rosada.
Adjetivos Demostrativos
This Esta
Ese That
Estas These
Ese That
Este This
Esos Those
Estas These
Estas These
Estos These
Ese That
Ese That
Esa That
Este This
Estas These
Esa That
Este This
Estas These
Esos Those
Ese That
Este This
Esa That
Estos These
Ese That
Esas Those
These Estas
Estas These
Estos These
This Esta
Esos Those
Esa That