WELCOME Mrs. Rasp English Teacher and Academic Coach (American Literature, Pre-Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Language, ACT Prep, Shakespeare)
Respect “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me . . . All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” Jackie Robinson
A little about me - I am married to Jay Rasp; we have two children (each married); we have three grandchildren. I taught here from 1991-2003; both of my children were Jones lifers. In 2003, my husband was transferred to Detroit. In 2005, we moved to Stillwater to open a Sylvan Learning Center. I taught at Stillwater Middle School from 2011-2015.
I had a great summer!
Portfolio Three-ring binder Five sections (grammar, literature, vocabulary acquisition, learning logs/self-evaluation, writing/reflection) Save every piece of paper Bring to class every day, unless . . .
Supplies Three-ring binder (with dividers) Notebook paper (I am not Dollar General) that has not been torn from a spiral Pencil(s) Blue or black pen Grading pen (any color other than blue or black) Textbook or workbook (as designated)
Assignments Sometimes you will have homework which is due at the beginning of class the next day If you cannot turn it in then, I will make an alternative assignment and possibly deduct percentage points. If the homework was to read a passage, you might be given a quiz on the due date. You must still take the quiz at that time. In other words, no extra time will be given – no alternative quiz will be created.
Absent? Check the agenda on my webpage Come see me before school upon your return (to bring me make-up work or to take missed quiz) Do NOT come in to class following an absence and ask me what we did!
Bellwork Heading Dismissal Homework Exit slips Trash Procedures Bellwork Heading Dismissal Homework Exit slips Trash
Heading First and Last Name Class – Hour Date Name of Assignment
Goals You will notice that I have learning goals posted at the front of the room. Before we start class, a volunteer will be asked to read the objective or goal for your class. Keep in mind that the goal statement begins with these words: “I will be able to.”
Scales I want you to be able to evaluate how you’re doing. I want you to be able to communicate that self-evaluation to me. In order for this to be effective, we need to be speaking the same language. I call this Fist to Four.
0. Even with help, I do not know how to perform the learning goal.
1. Sometimes with help I am able to feel as if I am at a two or three.
2. I can identify some parts of the learning goal, but I can’t really apply the skill to real life.
3. I feel that I have complete mastery of the learning goal and can apply it to real life.
4. I think I can knock it out of the park 4. I think I can knock it out of the park! Not only do I know it, I can teach it to someone else and apply it to real life.
Classroom tour Graphic Organizers Procedures Keys to Character To Kill a Mockingbird Six Traits of Effective Writing Figurative Language Toolbox wall My “space” QuARTeR Main Idea House PreQuRICSE Character/Wants to/But/So
If I were to get a tattoo, this is what it would be:
Now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions?