DPS Journey to the Digital Doors 10/5/11
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Who are we? 79,060 students 70% FRL 53% graduation rate Endless possibilities. 35% achievement gap
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Where are we going? 3.5% annual increase in literacy and math 73% graduation rate by % annual decrease in achievement gap DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
McKinsey group evaluation – Systems – Data architecture – Project management – Network strength Understand data and resource needs – Principals – Teachers – Students Where are we starting from?
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors DPS Executive Vision PlanInstructAssessAnalyze Intervene/ modify DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Focus groups and Interviews 20 principals met monthly 1-on-1 interviews 30 teachers met quarterly 150 principals and teachers scored vendors Team led by CAO submitted final recommendation
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors What we heard… Timely access to data! Single place to access systems Meaningful and actionable reports Access to curricular resources
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Destination: Digital Doors Principal Portal Teacher Portal Parent and Student Portal DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Then. Access to systems Now.
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Then. Student information Now.
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Student assessment Now. Then.
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Understanding Customers Data gathering and analysis Then. Now.
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Understanding Customers Then. Curriculum Now.
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Whats included in Teacher Portal? SIS data – Enrollment and grade history (6 yrs and building) – Student contacts and demographics – Program enrollment information (SpED, GT, 504, ELL options) Assessment data – Standardized tests: CSAP, CELA, DRA2/EDL2, SRI, MAPS, ACT – Interim/benchmark and predictive assessments – End of course assessments – Coming soon: Progress monitoring (STAR, DRA2 Tango) Teacher created assessment Curriculum – ECE to 12 core subjects – ECE to 12 specials – Teachers guides, handouts, etc. – Online lesson planner
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Principal Whenever I have the opportunity during the busy school day, I go into Schoolnet to review how teachers are using curriculum and instruction in their classroom, and how they assign students for intervention groups (SMART Goals). With teachers on Formal Evaluation, I ask them to teach me how they navigate their lesson plans and how they organize their small group instruction using the tool. - Khoa Nguyen, Principal Ellis Elementary
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors 6 th Grade Teacher By having access to class trends and specific student strengths and weaknesses, I can more accurately plan for the needs of my students and focus more on that content where my students are struggling. It also allows for more effective intervention grouping and planning so I can really target the students that need some more attention. – Tori Miller, Harrington Elementary
PLANNING THE TRIP DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Financial Support Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Broad Foundation Anschutz Family Foundation 2008 General Obligation Bond General funds DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Learning from others Leveraged experiences of other districts Performance management Portal development Instructional management tools DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Packing for the trip Executive sponsorship Stakeholder buy-in Strong team Funding secured Focus group direction Defined requirements Technology solution Deployment strategy Training and support plan
HITTIN THE ROAD DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Plan. Grant application Receive grant Focus groups Build Portal Focus groups Select vendor and build Portal Test Portal Pilot Admin Portal Launch Admin Portal Build.Launch. Pilot Teacher Portal Launch Teacher Portal Sep-Jan 08 Jan 08-Oct 08 July 08-July 09 Oct 08-Jan 09 Oct 09-Sept 10
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Blazing new trails Vendor relationships played a key role in the project implementation Pushing boundaries DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Train the trainer model Utilized existing resources Opened the doors Phased approach On-site at schools High quality materials Differentiated instruction School-based Teacher Portal Experts Professional development DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Key benefits Day one instruction Fidelity to curriculum Planning is based on data Flexible and informative small group instruction Help for new teachers
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors What would we do differently? Do not assume data-driven culture Administrators lead integration into school processes Set expectations of use Integrate best practices of data use and instruction into training
DPS Journey to the Digital Doors Our next destination… Online/frequent assessments Teacher effectiveness program (LEAP) RtI Automation (ABC Toolkit) Parent and Student Portals DPS Journey to the Digital Doors
Contacts Megan Marquez Director of Performance Management Programs Case Study: n/Denver_Public_Schools.aspx