CooPEUS Meeting Fostering transatlantic cooperation and the integration of Earth Observation projects into GEOSS 17th December San Francisco Gilles OLLIER Head of Sector Earth Observation Sector Directorate Climate Action and Resource Efficiency – I4 Directorate General Research & Innovation EUROPEAN COMMISSION Gilles.Ollier@ec.europa.e A series of regular Stakeholder Meetings to operationalize the Galway Statement started in Brussels in April and June 2014 with high level participation from Europe, US and Canada, bringing together a variety of existing networks already active on both sides of the Atlantic. The third meeting took place in Washington D.C. on 1 October 2014, and another one in Canada on 18 November 2014. These meetings allowed for a greater number of ocean stakeholders from these countries to get involved in the implementation of the Galway Statement, and to consolidate the trilateral character of this implementation. An Implementation Roadmap is taking shape as one of the main outcomes of these stakeholder meetings
GEO Global Partnership • Intergovernmental partnership set by international agreement since 2005 • Legally non-binding Voluntary contributions • 10 year GEO mandates - Current (2005-2015) - Renewed (2016-2025) • 95 Nations, plus EC 89 Participating Org. 5 Caucuses USA EU CHINA SA
What is GEOSS ? 1) A global coordination platform for Earth observation 2) A response to EO needs in 9 Societal Challenges 3) An information system providing Full & open access to EO datasets
Collaboration between US and EU through GEO: e. g Collaboration between US and EU through GEO: e.g. Global Initiatives - governance GFOI (Forests) GMOS (Mercury) GEO BON (Biodiversity) GEOGLAM (Agriculture) The Geohazard Supersites Blue Planet GEO Carbon
Example: the Water Community of Practice "From observations to decisions" "We can manage only what we can measure" A strategy for addressing water data product needs to inform decision-making: Maintenance and enhancement of water cycle observations at national, basin and global scales Better quantification of fluxes and stores in the global water cycle; Increased availability and use of data, information and indicators to support operational water quality decision-making Information on expertise, information systems and datasets to the global, regional, and national water communities 5 5
Contribution to the assessment of global water resources through the use of new Earth Observation datasets and techniques
Transatlantic Alliance Launched in May 2013 (Galway statement) Goal: To better understand the Atlantic Ocean and to promote the sustainable management of its resources. The objective is also to study the interplay of the Atlantic Ocean with the Arctic Ocean, particularly with regards to climate change. In May 2013, an Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance between Canada, the European Union and the United States was launched in Galway, Ireland, with the high level signature of the "Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation". In Galway, some of the best marine scientists from EU, US and Canada identified convergences between their respective scientific agendas. They concluded that together we can build a capacity to understand and predict major Atlantic and Arctic processes, as well as the changes and risks they carry in relation to human activities and climate change. Such a capacity will focus our efforts and provide an anchor for future transatlantic cooperation in this area. (Signing for the EU: Commissioner Damanaki and Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn). The goals are to better understand the Arctic and North Atlantic and to promote the sustainable management of its resources. The work will also study the interplay of the Atlantic Ocean with the Arctic Ocean, particularly with regards to climate change.
Galway Statement Areas of Cooperation Five areas of cooperation were identified as priorities in the policy dialogue both with the US and Canada and are part of the Galway Statement commitments: • Ocean Stressors • Aquaculture • Observing Systems • Marine Microbial Ecology and • Ocean Literacy
Horizon 2020 – Blue Growth Horizon 2020 is strongly supporting the Blue Growth strategy with a dedicated Focus Area for the 2014-2015 Work Programme. The EU commitment was translated into the current Blue Growth calls with 195M€ in the 2014-2015 Work Programme and 57M€ "earmarked" as Galway Statement follow-up calls. Good participation rate in the first Horizon 2020 Blue Growth 2014-2015 call form the US (with NOAA, WHOI, National Marine Educators Association among partners) and Canada(with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, MEOPAR, Dalhousie and Newfoundland Universities among partners). Blue Growth call open for 2015 - Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems There are 6 actions with some 57 million euro flagged as follow up action of the Galway Statement: Developing in-situ Atlantic Ocean Observations for a better management and sustainable exploitation of the maritime resources Ocean Literacy – Engaging with society – Social innovation Supporting international cooperation initiatives: Atlantic Ocean Cooperation Research Alliance European polar research cooperation Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine Ecosystems Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions. We are committed to keep the momentum in the implementation of the Galway Statement and make progress in order to ensure the success of its implementation. The further development and expansion of this Trans-Atlantic cooperation is intrinsically related to its success so far.
Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System Challenge: Deployment of IAOOS Scope: Northern and Southern Atlantic Fill observational gaps Reducing the costs of in-situ ocean observation Interoperable exchange of data International partners from both sides of the Atlantic. IAOOS 2014: Developing in-situ Atlantic Ocean Observations for better management and exploitation of maritime resources Challenge: Conduct the Research and Innovation activities necessary to the deployment of an Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System (IAOOS), building on existing capacities on both side of the Atlantic. Scope: The Northern Atlantic, and the Southern Atlantic, including the part bordering Antarctica and Arctic. Fill the observational gaps regarding the in-situ part of IAOOS Use of new ocean observation technologies enabling reducing the costs of in-situ ocean observation. Underpin the full and open discovery and access to ocean observations and their interoperable exchange of ocean at the scale of the Atlantic Ocean Participation of international partners from both sides of the Atlantic. Type of action: One large Project In collaboration with GEOSS Blue Planet Task
Conclusion Joining forces internationally is the only way to tackle global challenges and sustainably exploit natural resources International political frame needed (GEO, transatlantic alliance, etc…) Joint priority setting (through the transatlantic alliance, GEO post-2015) Alignment – Horizon 2020 dedicated calls, EU and its individual Member States, GEO Blue Planet, NOAA, NSF, MEOPAR, etc. A series of regular Stakeholder Meetings to operationalize the Galway Statement started in Brussels in April and June 2014 with high level participation from Europe, US and Canada, bringing together a variety of existing networks already active on both sides of the Atlantic. The third meeting took place in Washington D.C. on 1 October 2014, and another one in Canada on 18 November 2014. These meetings allowed for a greater number of ocean stakeholders from these countries to get involved in the implementation of the Galway Statement, and to consolidate the trilateral character of this implementation. An Implementation Roadmap is taking shape as one of the main outcomes of these stakeholder meetings
Thank you!