In the 1980’s and 90’s, why did over a million Guatemalans flee their country?
Where is Guatemala? Central America: South of Mexico Surrounded by Mexico and Belize to the north and El Salvador and Honduras to the south
Who lives in Guatemala? Approximately14 million people live in Guatemala most of whom live in rural areas. 9% Mayan heritage 40.5% American-Indians 50% Spanish
What is Guatemala like? Ruled by dictator 2% of population owned 70% of land
What major issues did this cause? Without competition, land owners are able to charge whatever they want for others to use and live on the land. Terrible labor conditions for workers. High levels of poverty among majority of population. High mortality rates for infants and children.
What happens in 1944? People revolt and first democratically elected leader is put into power. Juan Jose Arevalo and the President who is elected after him begin to make reforms and changes. Biggest change Redistribution on land to many
How does the US respond? Chiquita (large US fruit company owns a large amount of Guatemalan land). They are part of the 2% that own the entire country. Public Story: Concern that Guatemala is becoming a Communist country. The REAL Story: CIA worked to help overthrow the Guatemala President to protect Chiquita.
What is the result? The Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996) With the return to dictatorship, the country erupts in civil war. The reason: the dictatorship's disrespect for the human and civil rights of the majority of the population
It’s a war. Aren’t a lot of casualties to be expected? -In the early 1980’s, a new dictator is in power – President Rios Montt. -Reports are released saying that there are thousands of missing people. the military, under the dictator’s orders, are responsible for widespread massacres, rape, torture and acts of genocide against the indigenous Mayan Indians.
By the end of the war (1996), 200,000 Mayan citizens were found dead.
As you watch the video … What evidence is there to suggest these deaths were an act of genocide and not just casualties of war? Genocide: the killing of large numbers of people from a particular national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy them entirely