Classroom Safety
Fire & Life Requirements as per State Education Dept The following list relates to the classrooms and adjacent areas. They are provided to inform you regarding the various safety issues, and to give guidelines for classroom decorations throughout the school year.
Rescue Windows Classroom rescue windows shall have a minimum access clearance of 24 inches and shall be labeled.
Rescue Windows All classrooms have a designated emergency escape window commonly known as Rescue Windows also. Acts as a secondary exit from the building. The rescue window is also used by emergency personnel (fire dept) to gain rapid entrance to the classroom.
Rescue Windows To be kept clear and unobstructed at all times. Do not place any objects directly in front of window- no tables, chairs, desks, boxes, equipment, etc. No objects should be placed on the window shelf.
Rescue Windows Do not place decorative materials, or curtains on or above the rescue window itself. Even if the curtains have been treated for flame retardancy. Do not remove or cover the rescue window stickers on the window or on the shade if one is attached to your window.
Rescue Windows Essentially, the rescue window area is to be left unblocked and undecorated. This will ensure that the window will be available to the fire dept in an emergency for student rescue from your classroom.
Combustibles Stored combustibles (cloth, paper, plastic, wood, etc.) are at least 24 inches from the ceiling, are orderly and of value. Space under stairs & landings is not used for storage unless separated by two-hour fire rated construction. The above increases fire loading and leads to poor housekeeping conditions.
Combustibles Combustibles stored in kiln rooms shall be at least 3-feet away from the kiln(s).
Combustibles shall not be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms (air handling equipment), or electrical equipment rooms.
Electrical Unapproved (Underwriters Lab, etc), multi-plug electrical outlet adapters are not acceptable and should not be used.
Electrical Extension cords are not used as a substitute for permanent wiring. Prefer use of surge suppressors and/or power strips when needed. No splicing of wires. Limit extension cords use to only 1 length. Do not run under carpets, doorways, etc.
Electrical Decorative lighting, when used, shall be of the type approved by Underwriters Labs.
Others Portable, unvented space heaters are prohibited.
Paper on Walls & Doors Artwork and teaching materials are limited to not more than 20% of corridor wall space.
Paper on Walls & Doors Code requirements: Paper materials and artwork shall cover no more than 20% of the wall surface, must be 2 feet from the ceiling and 10 feet from exits. Note that a classroom door is considered an exit.
Exits Required capacity of egress is free of obstructions, including exiting corridors. Key message here is KEEP EXITS AND EXITWAYS UNBLOCKED AT ALL TIMES. (means chairs, desks, tables).
Exits There is a minimum 10 foot clearance of combustibles from primary exits (those leading outside the building), and classroom exits (corridor side) are free of combustibles with a minimum 2-foot clearance from the door on the corridor side.
Curtains Curtains, drapes, hangings and other decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall be fire resistant. Wires for the purpose of hanging materials across a classroom are prohibited.
Wedges The use of wedges to prop open fire doors, smoke zone doors, or classroom doors is prohibited.
Chemicals All hazardous materials (flammable & corrosives) shall be stored in rated cabinets when the chemicals are not in use, and these cabinets shall be identified (labeled). Inventory of chemicals should be made at end of school year and removed if no longer used or needed.
Open flames Open flames are prohibited except in supervised science and technology labs.
Evacuation signage Evacuation route is posted inside classroom at the door and the phone is working.
Review of Individual Classroom General Safety Form (handout).
Anyone for a short safety video?