How Chocolate is made By Hette
Cocoa beans Cocoa beans grow on cocoa trees. They are cut of when they are ripe and then opened with a machete. Then the beans are covered with banana leaves and the fermenting begins. After 7 days the beans are brown and they are laid down on the floor in the sun to dry for another 7 days. They are stored and checked. The ones that are good are brought to different countries -for example to Amsterdam in the Netherlands- and there the beans are made to chocolate.
The Next Step After the beans are transported, they are cracked open. The inside of the bean is called nib. The nibs are roasted for an hour. nibs
The nibs are pressed together into cocoa butter and cocoa solids
Dark chocolate DARK CHOCOLATE For dark chocolate you need: cocoa solids, cocoa butter and sugar. It will be shown how it is made to chocolate on next slide.
Mixing The Dark chocolate First, the sugar goes in a warm pot with a mixer. When it’s mixing, the cocoa solids and cocoa butter go in. After that, the mixture is cooled down to the right temperature.
White Chocolate For white chocolate you need: milk powder, sugar and cocoa butter (no cocoa solids!). It is shown how its made to chocolate on slide 8.
The mixing For white chocolate First the sugar goes in the mixing pot; then the milk powder. These two ingredients are mixed together. When it is mixing the cocoa butter comes in. After that the mixture is cooled down to the right temperature for the next step.
MILK CHOCOLATE What you need for milk chocolate: milk powder, cocoa solids, cocoa butter and sugar.
MIXING THE MILK CHOCOLATE First, the sugar and the milk powder go in the mixing pot. When it is mixing the cocoa solids and the cocoa butter are put in.
FROM CHOCOLATE TO PRODUCT When the chocolate is still a bit warm, it is poured into a mould. If the chocolate bar needs a filling, it gets it now. At this stage the chocolate bars are nearly ready. They only need to be wrapped up and sent to the shops.