The Holiness of God 1 Peter 1:13-16 The Holiness of God


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Presentation transcript:

The Holiness of God 1 Peter 1:13-16 The Holiness of God Introduction The call to holy living must be understood in order to please God. It is imperative. God is holy, therefore, holy living is defined by Him. When we understand the concept of holiness we will grow closer to our God, and understand more fully His requirements and expectations for us, His children. He who called you is holy (v. 15)

Holy – separated; set apart. He is Holy Holy – separated; set apart. Sanctuary Exodus 25:8-9; 29:43-46 He who called you is holy (v. 15) Holiness defined. Holy – hagios – fundamentally signifies separated; set apart. (Related words: consecrated, sanctified, saint) Exodus 25:8-9 – In order for God to dwell among His chosen people there had to be a sanctuary prepared according to His specifications. Sanctuary – holy place; i.e. place set apart for a specific purpose. When we mention the desire for a sanctuary we speak of a place that is separate from the cares and troubles of our lives. A place of refuge to get our minds off the common occurrences, that is separate from our normal lives. A get away place. Exodus 29:43-46 – God’s orders for a sanctuary to be built were so He could consecrate it as the place of His dwelling, and communication with them. God consistently points out that “I am the Lord their God” to stress that He is set apart! “the tabernacle shall be sanctified by My glory” – where God dwells is holy! 29:44 – consecrate the priests – set them apart because they will minister to God in the place where he dwells (Like Moses – when in God’s holy presence, requires sanctification/holiness).  (Exodus 3:1-5 – Moses at burning bush.) The pattern of the tabernacle represents this truth  Hebrews 9:1-5 – Very concisely, the Hebrew writer describes the pattern of the earthly sanctuary.

Holy – separated; set apart. He is Holy Holy – separated; set apart. Sanctuary Exodus 25:8-9; 29:43-46 Pattern Hebrews 9:1-5 The pattern of the tabernacle represents this truth  Hebrews 9:1-5 – Very concisely, the Hebrew writer describes the pattern of the earthly sanctuary. (v. 1) Sanctuary – holy place (Remember, the whole place was set apart because it represented God’s dwelling with the people of Israel.) There were two parts to the tabernacle: (v. 2) “the first part…called the sanctuary” – holy place. (same word). (v. 3) “behind the second veil…the Holiest of All” ESV – “Most Holy Place” NASB – “Holy of Holies” The Greek has the same word twice in a row. This shows that it is even further set apart than that which is set apart. The reason for this being even more holy was the things put in it. Ark of the covenant with the cherubim of glory above it. (Exodus 25:22) – it is there where God spoke to the high priests. (Representation of immediate presence of God.) The whole purpose of the tabernacle, and the two rooms inside the tabernacle, was to show that God is EXTREMELY HOLY (set apart). Tabernacle = set apart place  first room is the set apart place in the set apart place  second room is the set apart place from the set apart place from the set apart place which is where God symbolically dwells! (HE IS VERY VERY HOLY!) How is He so set apart??  God alone is:

He is Holy Divine All Powerful Morally Pure God alone is: Isaiah 43:10-13 All Powerful Job 42:2 Morally Pure James 1:13, 16-18 God alone is: Divine Nature – Isaiah 43:10-13 This is the foundation on which the next two characteristics lay. He is creator, not the creation. He is self-existent. “’I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End’ says the Lord, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty’” (Revelation 1:8). “In the beginning God” (Genesis 1:1). Like nothing else – Acts 17:29 All Powerful – Job 42:2 (Job’s response to God) God is not limited in ability like man. Not in any way! “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26 – speaking of salvation.) Morally Perfect – James 1:13, 16-18 (No bad comes from God, but good.) There is nothing in God’s nature that is impure. It is impossible for Him to do wrong, because He is holy! So, God is set apart. What does this mean for us??  You also be holy in all your conduct (v. 15)

The Message of Leviticus You Also be Holy The Message of Leviticus Moral Laws 19:11-12 Ceremonial Laws 10:1-3 Purity Laws 11:26-28 So, God is set apart. What does this mean for us??  You also be holy in all your conduct (v. 15) The Message of Leviticus 1 Peter 1:15 is a quote from several places in the book of Leviticus. Leviticus is a book on holiness. Israel was the nation God set apart to fulfill the promise to Abram (cf. Genesis 12:1-3). A nation must have a law. God gave them the law of Moses in the book of Exodus. Leviticus contains much of that law.  Moral Laws are those which had to do with things inherently evil, impure, sinful – (cf. Leviticus 19:11-12). These laws continue to be true to this day, for they are contrary to the moral nature of God. God cannot sin, or be in fellowship with it, therefore, these laws prohibited His chosen people from engaging in it if He was to be their God and dwell in their presence. Ceremonial Laws are those which God implemented to emphasize His holiness, and the seriousness of being in His presence and serving Him – (cf. Leviticus 10:1-3). They were performing an offering commanded by God, but they didn’t adhere to His specifications. God’s response to Aaron spoke of His holiness. Purity Laws concerned things not inherently sinful, but were deemed impure by God, and thus prohibited – (cf. Leviticus 11:26-28). Among these were also laws concerning bodily discharge, childbirth, illnesses and diseases, etc. There were things commanded to be done when people came in contact with such so they could become pure again. It was not inherently sinful to be unclean in this way (leprosy isn’t inherently sinful) but the sin occurred when they disregarded God’s holiness and came before Him unclean! These topics of impurity have legitimacy to them. Physically speaking, we can see how these would be impure – God was not to be treated as so common that people would be near Him in these impure states! The reason for these laws is exemplified even further in the construct of the nation of Israel  Priesthood

You Also be Holy Priesthood The Message of Leviticus Deuteronomy 10:8; Exodus 29:35 Priesthood “And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” (Exodus 19:6). The ENTIRE NATION OF ISRAEL was considered holy, but like the tabernacle, there was a part of the whole that was further set apart. Levitical Priesthood.  Deuteronomy 10:8 – The tribe of Levi was set apart from the rest of Israel to serve in a certain capacity. Aaron and his sons, of the tribe of Levi, were consecrated (set apart for a specific purpose) to be priests – Exodus 29:35 The nation of Israel was a holy nation. Therefore, all had to observe the laws if God was to remain with them in their presence. The Priests served in the closest proximity to God – in the sanctuary. Their dress had specifications. They had to go through steps before entering and serving. Etc. The closer you were to God, the more set apart you were to be, the High Priest being closest once a year. These things were all a shadow (cf. Hebrews 8:3-6). Christ is the real High Priest (cf. Hebrews 9:24). We are the priests in God’s holy nation  We are a priesthood, set apart for service to God!

You Also be Holy Priesthood We are a Priesthood The Message of Leviticus Priesthood Deuteronomy 10:8; Exodus 29:35 We are a Priesthood 1 Peter 2:4-10; Romans 12:1-2; Hebrews 10:10, 14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-20; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; Titus 2:11-14 We are a priesthood, set apart for service to God! 1 Peter 2:4-10 Our priesthood is legitimate! We must maintain holiness before our Holy God! We serve in proximity to God and we must live like it! (v. 11-12) – Abstain from immoral activity! Romans 12:1-2 – Our lives are the sacrifices we give as priests. Priests are set apart – thus not conformed to the world! Ultimately, God has set us apart – sanctified us – when He washed us in the blood of Christ – Hebrews 10:10, 14 This is something that must be maintained! We are set apart, therefore, we can’t participate in worldly things – 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 The point of God’s holiness, and what it calls us to, is illustrated in Paul’s admonition against sexual immorality – 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 We were sanctified (Set apart for service to God) so we are no longer to act in that way  2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 – Perfecting Holiness. Perfecting holiness in the fear of God is exactly the same concept we’ve looked at so far. God’s grace does not suggest we are now able to be more relaxed about how we live. It demands the exact opposite! – Titus 2:11-14 (Purify His own Special people!)

The Holiness of God 1 Peter 1:13-16 Conclusion We do not serve a God that is common. There is but One God, and therefore He is Holy! All that come before Him must regard Him as such. We cannot please Him in an impure, unholy state! Our attitude should reflect this – We shouldn’t ask how close can we get to the world, but how can we further be set apart for God!