Appendix C: Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Survival Charts
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Population-based 5-year survival of children with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, by period of diagnosis, grouped according to ‘International Classification of Childhood Cancer, Third Edition’ (ICCC-3) The study closing date for follow-up was 31 December 2016. Observed survival was estimated actuarially by Kaplan-Meier analysis. For diagnostic categories with at least 100 registrations analysed, results are given for children diagnosed during each of the 3 5-year periods 2001-2005, 2006-2010 and 2011-2015. For those with fewer than 100 registrations, results are given for the single 15-year period 2001-2015. For more information on the data and methods used for the survival analysis, please refer to the main report. Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Figure 1: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, all cancers combined Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Figure 2: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, leukaemias, myeloproliferative diseases, and myelodysplastic diseases Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Figure 3: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, lymphoid leukaemias Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Figure 4: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, precursor cell leukaemias Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Figure 5: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, precursor cell leukaemias - aged <1 Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018. Source: National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Public Health England, CAS accessed December 2017
Figure 6: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, precursor cell leukaemias - aged 1-14 Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 7: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, mature B-cell leukaemias Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 8: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, acute myeloid leukaemias Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 9: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, chronic myeloproliferative diseases Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 10: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, chronic myeloid leukaemia Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 11: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, other chronic myeloproliferative diseases Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 12: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, myelodysplastic syndrome and other myeloproliferative diseases Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 13: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, myelodysplastic syndrome Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 14: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 15: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, unspecified and other specified leukaemias Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 16: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 17: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, Hodgkin lymphoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 18: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (including Burkitt lymphoma) Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 19: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, CNS and miscellaneous intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 20: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, ependymomas and choroid plexus tumour Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 21: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, ependymomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 22: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, choroid plexus carcinoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 23: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, choroid plexus papilloma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 24: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, astrocytomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 25: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, medulloblastoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 26: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, embryonal CNS tumour NOS Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 27: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 28: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, oligodendrogliomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 29: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, mixed and unspecified gliomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 30: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, pituitary adenomas and carcinomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 31: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, tumours of the sellar region (craniopharyngiomas) Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 32: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, pineal parenchymal tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 33: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 34: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, meningiomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 35: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, neuroblastoma and other peripheral nervous cell tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 36: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 37: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma - aged <1 Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 38: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, neuroblastoma and ganglioneuroblastoma - aged 1-14 Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 39: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, retinoblastoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 40: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, retinoblastoma: bilateral Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 41: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, retinoblastoma: unilateral Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 42: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, renal tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 43: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumour) Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 44: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, rhabdoid renal tumour Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 45: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, kidney sarcomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 46: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, hepatic tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 47: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, hepatoblastoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 48: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, hepatic carcinomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 49: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, malignant bone tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 50: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, osteosarcomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 51: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, Ewing tumour and related sarcomas of bone Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 52: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, soft tissue and other extraosseous sarcomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 53: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, rhabdomyosarcomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 54: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 55: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, nerve sheath tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 56: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, extraosseous Ewing sarcoma family tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 57: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, extrarenal rhabdoid tumour Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 58: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, synovial sarcomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 59: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, hepatic sarcomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 60: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, germ cell tumours, trophoblastic tumours, and neoplasms of gonads Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 61: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, CNS germinoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 62: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, non-germinoma Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 63: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, malignant extracranial and extragonadal germ cell tumours Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 64: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, gonadal germ cell tumours: female Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 65: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, gonadal germ cell tumours: male Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 66: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, other malignant epithelial neoplasms and malignant melanomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 67: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, adrenocortical carcinomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 68: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, thyroid carcinomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 69: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, nasopharyngeal carcinomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 70: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, malignant melanomas Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015
Figure 71: Population-based survival of children aged 0–14 years with cancer in England diagnosed 2001 to 2015, other and unspecified malignant neoplasms Childhood Cancer Statistics, England, Annual report 2018 Cancer registrations 2001-2015