Nobody Needs eLearning Dan Dellenbach and Richard Vass Rich
What Do Learners Need? Knowledge Skills Motivation Information Understanding Action Belief Rich
How Does eLearning Fail? Uninspiring Boring Unengaging Text-driven Ugly Telling ain’t training Rich (Dan is next)
Make the Transformation: Dan
Your Ordinary World: Dan (Rich is next): Describe the Ordinary World of the ID/Developer. Move through Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold Rich
What Tests and Enemies Exist? Allies? Boss Internal / External Customers Corporate Government Legal What Tests and Enemies Exist? Allies? Rich: Describe the Ordinary World of the ID/Developer. Move through Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting the Mentor
Approach Rich (Dan is next)
Special World Dan
Seizing the Reward Behavior Change Improved results Reduced turnover Greater engagement Higher job satisfaction Improved test scores Higher evaluation scores Dan (Rich is next)
Resurrection Rich
Return with Elixir Takeaway The ELBC “Brothers” Challenge Reputation as a true professional Somebody who engages learners Challenges learners Not just an ‘order taker’ Rich