ENSW e-Learning Modules Bonnie Jortberg, PhD, RD, CDE Robyn Wearner, MA, RD
eLearning Short History Developed 12 PCMH eLearning modules for PCMH Colorado Residency Project in 2011 Cohesive and consistent curriculum for residents, faculty, and practice staff Web-based so can access anytime/anywhere Interesting & engaging content Licensed to American Board of Family Medicine
PCMH modules
ENSW eLearning Modules CVD 101 Module developed for ENSW practices (demo) Enhanced Group has access to patient engagement module 12 PCMH Modules Can receive CME credits for completing modules Modules are intended for everyone in your practice!
ENSW eLearning Modules URL: http://ensw.pcmhelearning.com Your practice facilitator will provide your practice’s registration code Tips for success: Best browsers: Google Chrome, FireFox, IE>10.0, Safari Once start module, need to complete module in its entirety before going to another module Once module has been completed, can go back to the module anytime
ENSW eLearning Modules Let’s take a tour!
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Registration Email Hello, An invitation has been sent to you to join the ENSW e-Learning program. To create your account, please click here or copy and paste the following address into your browser's address bar: http://ensw.pcmhelearning.com/#key?a=fCT%2FVIMXg1pK%2FvINR6d6K2YB74o3TzLuaKviyUYVkzbNAhu3dz%2BhWqWPD4%2B%2BOlMV&k=e13fe1ed270f2b1e571e8421b056ff19785144200a5be85393d8532a632eabb5 If you did not request this, please contact us at support@pcmhelearning.com. Thanks!
Quick and Easy Access
CVD Module
Navigating Click the Next button or use the right side bar to explore the module
Module Sections
Grab the Popcorn!
The Evidence
Activities for teams
Knowledge check
Common Issue
Bonnie.jortberg@ucdenver.edu Robyn.wearner@ucdenver.edu Questions? Bonnie.jortberg@ucdenver.edu Robyn.wearner@ucdenver.edu