Revelation 19 part 1 – The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 19 part 1 – The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Please visit our website:
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb A loud voice of a great multitude in heaven They were already in heaven Alleluia – let us praise God Not exhorted to praise, but corporately moved to by what He has done Responding to His demonstration of power Also to the justice of what He has done Moved to praise by the fact that He has, at last, avenged their blood Alleluia repeated because they perceive the whore’s judgement Not the eternal nature of her judgement
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Her smoke rises forever elsewhere referred to as “the smoke of her torment” Revelation 14 v 11 Also 18 v 10 and 18 v 18 Judgement is eternal – no annihilationist support – no post-mortem evangelism. Response from the 24 Elders, presumably to the voices of the multitude in Heaven Worshipped saying “Amen” (trustworthy or sure or so-be-it) Note, they fell down! This describes an overwhelming worship where the worshippers are completely over-awed – lost in wonder, love and praise
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb The voice from the throne Jesus – The Lamb - is on the throne Is this the Son exhorting praise of the Father? The great leveller – all both small and great. Then, this great sound Like a great multitude Like the voice of many waters – Niagra? Like mighty thunderings Huge and overwhelming sound “Hallelujah for the Lord our God Omnipotent (Almighty) reigns”
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Let us rejoice and be glad for the marriage of the lamb has come and His wife has made herself ready. Parallel with the Jewish wedding This has to be the church Jehovah already the husband of Israel Jesus has come – the 2nd time, after the betrothal, at a time unexpected The bride has made herself ready – in the sense of putting on her wedding attire – the garments of salvation She was ‘granted’ to be clothed with white linen She was, at the wedding, displaying righteousness Her fine linen was righteousness (the righteousnesses) of the saints
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb You will recall the Jewish wedding The betrothal at the first coming – unbreaksable covenant Bride to wait in readiness – nothing to do except wait and remain faithful Unlike our culture where the groom awaits the bride at the church, the bride awaits the groom to come for her, having prepared a place for her After the marriage feast he would be intimate with her for 7-days She would (ideally) be found perfect (a virgin) Jude tells us that He will present us unstained at hid glorious throne
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Marriage supper verses from the Old and New Testament Isaiah 25 v 1 – 12 Psalm 23 Isaiah 1 around verse 19 Isaiah 55 v 1 & 2 Joel 2 v 20 and following Revelation 3 v 20 Matthew 25 v 1 – 13 Matthew 22 v 2 – 6 Matthew 8 v 11 & 12
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb So Blessed are those who are called – the true saying of God Supremely blessed, fortunate, well-off John so impressed he bows down to worship the Angel The Angel insists He does not The worship of the angelic beings is forbidden – reserved for God alone. Worship because you have the testimony of Jesus Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Spirit – pneuma is the wind or the force or the essence Therefore the testimony of Jesus (either by Him or of Him) is the very force or essence of prophecy It is where all true prophecy leads or concludes Prophecies about many events deal with the event, but add detail that includes and looks forward to these days when: Jesus comes to save Jesus comes again Jesus judges the Beast, the false prophet and Satan Jesus judges the wicked and avenges the blood of the saints Jesus comes for His bride and holds His marriage supper Jesus makes all things new in the new heaven and new earth
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: