Wyoming lottery corporation Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee September 29, 2015
AGENDA FY15 – Summary of performance FY16 – Projected Budget Social and Community Responsibility Tracker Study – Wave 2 Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
FY 2015 Impact on the cowboy state 440 retailers across Wyoming Received $1,088,532 in revenue 6% retailer commission 1% validation bonus on winning tickets Retailers report an estimated 8-10% boost in sales Prizes $4,555,697.00 in winnings Wyoming jobs! Lottery has hired eight (8) employees Intralot , WyoLotto’s gaming vendor, has hired nine (9) permanent employees Lottery hired eight (8) temporary employees for Lottery related promotions Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Wyoming Retailers WYOMING LOTTERY CORPORATION: RETAILER SUMMARY YEAR END: FISCAL YEAR 2015 County Number of Retailers Natrona 58 Converse 16 Laramie 57 Niobrara 3 Sheridan 19 Hot Springs 5 Sweetwater 38 Johnson 10 Albany 21 Campbell 28 Carbon 25 Crook 7 Goshen Uinta 24 Platte 11 Washakie 6 Big Horn Weston Fremont 26 Teton 15 Park Sublette 9 Lincoln Total 440 Total Net Sales Total Validation Commissions (1%) $17,838,410 $19,812.10 Total Sales Commissions (6%) Total Amount Earned by Retailers $1,068,720.18 $1,088,532.28 Insert Map of Wyoming with a breakdown by county of retailers and sales. Include information Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Tickets for the Cowboy Draw™ game are sold ONLY in Wyoming, giving WyoLotto players higher chances of winning prizes. Since the game’s launch on March 15, four lucky players have hit the jackpot and more than 300 players have won $1,000 each. Total winnings for just the Cowboy Draw™ game have reached over an estimated $2 million. Cowboy Draw Winner $628,630 Cowboy Draw Winner $285,226 Cowboy Draw Winner $277,988 Cowboy Draw Winner $360,000 Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
FY’16 Projected budget Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
cost of goods sold Chart Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
FY 16 TOTAL PROJECTED BUDGETED AMOUNT Description Cost Employee / Labor Costs Total 1,041,336.00 Employee Travel 28,375.00 Board Expenses 45,000.00 Services 2,410,329.00 Dues & Memberships 42,685.00 Communication Expense 14,400.00 Fleet 13,171.00 Office Supplies 51,980.00 Retail Ops 7,000.00 Loan Payoff 1,800,000.00 Carryover Expense 400,000.00 Total Projected $ 5,854,276.00 Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
FY 16 TOTAL PROJECTED BUDGETED AMOUNT Description Percent Cost Game Projected Sales - 27,034,600.84 Prize Pool 58.49% 15,813,722.69 Gaming Vendor - Intralot 11.89% 3,214,414.04 Retailer Commission 6.00% 1,622,076.05 Retailer Validation 1.00% 48,206.64 CD - Jackpot Protection 1.04% 1,530,948.18 CD - Jackpot Reimbursement _ 1,250,000.00 Total COGS 77.60% 20,979,367.61 Gross Revenue 6,055,233.23 Projected Expenses 5,854,276.00 Total Projected Transfer $ 200,957.23 Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Addressed Joint Judiciary committee question “What would revenues be with additional products added to the portfolio and in particular, Scratch?” Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
cost of goods sold Chart Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
With Product A - Scratch Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
With Product A & B (additional Draw game) Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Community & Social responsibility Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Community Responsibility Lottery continues to demonstrate responsibility to the community and citizens of Wyoming. Limit on one transaction (spend) is $125 Products are not available 24 hours per day Problem Gambling Hotline Phone Number is posted on the back of our tickets, playslips and on our website. On our website and directly under the Play tab there is a link to Problem Gambling information. Problem Gambling brochure is available at every retailer location that sells the product. Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Community responsibility Games are operated with utmost integrity and security With each game release and with various upgrades, the central system is tested. With each new game released, the RNG is tested With each batch release, the SOW is thoroughly reviewed for accuracy and release outcomes are verified. In advance of all system changes and modifications and as a proactive approach in change management, risks are documented, assessed and analyzed. Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Responsibility To ensure that the gaming vendor’s system is operating properly, lottery invested in an Internal Control System (ICS). This system allows for 24/7 monitoring of the central gaming system (CGS) and if there is a balancing issue or the CGS is not operating as scoped, lottery is alerted. This ICS system provides lottery as well as its players with a sense of security that the central gaming system is operating with the highest degrees of integrity. Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Social & community responsibility Continued education regarding Problem and Responsible Gaming. Attended National Conference on Problem Gambling (NCPG) Connected with professionals on the subject including, treatment providers Learned about problem gambling research studies, results and opportunities Learned about changes in gaming that includes state-of-the-art gambling terminals that have responsible gaming features built-in Continued collaboration with the Wyoming Department of Health on defining a baseline of problem gamblers within the state and opportunities for inclusion with other gambling entities. Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Tracker Study Wave 2 Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018
Wyoming Lottery Product Awareness & Usage Study – Highlights from Wave 2 June 21, 2015 RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05
Respondent Profile Respondent Profile 21 Respondent Profile In Wave 2, the largest age segment was over 65 while the largest age segment in Wave 1 was 55-59. In both waves, the Lottery is highly dependent on an older demographic with 54% of Wave 2 participants being over 55. Gender was fairly evenly divided in both waves. RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Respondent Profile
Respondent Profile Respondent Profile 22 Respondent Profile Educational levels were relatively consistent with more than 70% of both waves having some education after high school. More than 53% of participants indicated an average household income above $50,000 with a modal answer of $50,000-$74,999. RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Respondent Profile
Key Findings & Recommendations 23 Key Findings & Recommendations Cowboy Draw has excellent awareness and participation. Ninety-nine percent of Wyoming Lottery players surveyed are aware of the product, and 92% have made a purchase. Wyoming is keeping more Lottery purchases in state since Wave 1 of the survey was completed. The percentage of people who also purchased Lottery products in Montana and South Dakota diminished significantly while Nebraska showed a slight decrease as well. There is tremendous interest in the addition of scratchers. Eighty-four percent of participants are interested in scratchers from the Wyoming Lottery. The majority indicated they would spend at least $10 per month if scratchers were available. Fourteen percent of participants still purchase scratchers in other states. RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Key Findings
Motivations for Buying Lottery Products 24 Motivations for Buying Lottery Products There was no singular motivation for buying Lottery products. Size of the Jackpot and Having Extra Cash Available were the most frequently mentioned responses in both waves. Size of the Jackpot increased from Wave 1 (31%) to Wave 2 (41%). RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Detailed Findings
WAVE 1 Only 1/3 of Lottery Customers wager on other activities but the spend is significant. While just under 33% of Lottery customers have also played at a casino, OTB or played slots at an OTB this accounts for 43% of the total wagering spend of all participants. In particular casinos generate a much higher spend per person compared to Lottery purchases.
Wagering Spend – Historical Race Terminals at OTB 26 Wagering Spend – Historical Race Terminals at OTB For Wave 2, spend was broken down between Wyoming and Other States. The modal answer for all categories was $100 to $249. Detailed Findings
Lottery Purchases by State 27 Lottery Purchases by State The overwhelming majority of participants had purchased a Lottery product in Wyoming during this timeframe; however, the purchases did decrease from 98% in Wave 1 to 88% in Wave 2. Colorado was the only other state in which more than 20% of participants purchased a Lottery product. RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Detailed Findings
Scratchers Detailed Findings 28 RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Detailed Findings
Scratchers – Prizes and Prices 29 Scratchers – Prizes and Prices Eighty-six percent of participants are willing to buy Scratchers at any prize level. Twenty-six percent of participants will buy Scratchers at any price. Forty-five percent of participants will only buy Scratchers under $5. RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Detailed Findings
Scratchers – Frequency of Purchase 30 Scratchers – Frequency of Purchase Only 22% of participants buy Scratchers at least once every two to three weeks. The largest percentage of participants buy Scratchers Once Every 4-6 Weeks (21%). RESTRICTED, LEVEL 2 – Distribution of this document must be approved by the Senior Research Analyst of the WLC. Information deemed confidential is exempt - W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-05 Detailed Findings
Thank you Wyoming Lottery Corporation 11/18/2018