End of the Year Info
Every graduating Senior will receive four (4) tickets. Graduation Tickets Every graduating Senior will receive four (4) tickets. Extra tickets can be requested. A request form for two (2) extra tickets will be distributed today. Please return the form tomorrow, March 22 in room 301. Tickets will be distributed on Tuesday, June 12 in the cafeteria along with cap & gown distribution. Seating at Graduation is limited, so turn in your form as soon as possible because distribution is on a first come first served basis.
California Science Test (CAST) April 11 California Science Test (CAST) April 11, 2018 (35 Minute Periods) 7:18-7:53 Period 0 8:00-10:00 12th Grade Testing 10:07-10:42 Period 1 10:49-11:24 Period 2 11:31-12:06 Period 3 12:13-12:48 Period 4 12:48-1:23 Lunch 1:30-2:05 Period 5 2:12-2:47 Period 6
May 1 All transactions must be CASH or CREDIT CARD ONLY NO CHECKS!
Prom is at LA Center Studios on May 19 from 7:30pm-11:30pm Prom tickets go on sale Discounted price ONE DAY ONLY: $65 each person, w/ or w/out ASB…$130 for couples Prom is at LA Center Studios on May 19 from 7:30pm-11:30pm
Speaking at Graduation Sign-up audition times will be in Room 301 starting May 21 – First come first serve (Maximum of 10 auditions total – 5 Magna and Suma Students and 5 Non Magna and Suma) Final day to sign-up in May 25 Speeches must be no longer than 3 minutes! Top 4 (2 & 2) will be picked by a panel of teachers on Tuesday, May 29 @ Noon in the room 304 Final speaker will be picked by Mr. Fairman and Dr. Marion
Senior Graduation Bids Silent Auction Reserved Seating Bids The winning bids will have 1 bench reserved for them (one bench = 6 adults - must have tickets already) and 2 reserved parking spots. The silent bid for reserved seating at graduation will begin on Monday, May 21, 2018 and go until Tuesday, May 29, 2018. The top ten winners will be contacted by Thursday, May 31 You have an application in your packet or Go to Room 301 to pick one up – Drop off in the front office
May 30 College bound seniors are reminded to go to parchment.com to order your FINAL Transcript, you must select “Next Grading Period” when you place your order
June 2 Black Tie – Dinner and Casino Night (Cafeteria) Discounted price ONE DAY ONLY (May 25): Juniors and Seniors Only: $20 each person
June 5 Seniors Only Yearbook Distribution Larry Doyle Hall of Fame – 6 p.m. in the Gym (by invitation only).
Senior Finals June 5 June 6 June 7 Business/English/Foreign Language/History/Social Science June 6 Consumer Family Studies/Math/Science June 7 Industrial Tech/Visual & Performing Arts/P.E AS YOU COMPLETE FINALS TURN IN TEXT BOOKS to the Textbook Room in the English Hallway. ALL TEXTBOOKS MUST BE TURNED IN AND ALL FINES PAID BY *****THURSDAY, JUNE 7*****
June 7 Fines All Textbooks must be turned in and Senior fines paid at the textbook room, English hallway.
Friday- June 8 Make-up Finals All Seniors are to attend all classes Senior Check-Out Go to attendance windows between 7:15 and 8:00 a.m. to pick-up Clearance check-out sheet. Textbook/Miscellaneous Clearance – Textbook Room/English Hallway. TEACHERS will sign clearance check-out sheet period-by-period on June 8. All fines must be paid before clearance can be completed. Clearance check-out sheet MUST be completed with all signatures by the end of the day. DO NOT lose completed check-out sheet over the weekend! If you lose this sheet, you will have to repeat the entire clearance process.
Friday- June 8 Continued… Senior Honors Night in the Gym (Invitation Only) – Arrive @ 5 p.m.
Monday - June 11 Senior check-out for those who missed on June 8. Last Day for Make-Up Finals
June 12 – Final Clearance Cap/Gown and Graduation Ticket distribution is in the Student Cafeteria- 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Seniors must FIRST take their signed check-out sheet to the attendance windows to receive a stamp, thus completing the check-out process. Students must turn in completed check-out sheet (with stamped approval) at Cap/Gown pick up station in the cafeteria.
June 12 – Final Clearance IF YOU DID NOT PRE-ORDER YOUR CAP AND GOWN: You may pay for cap/gown in the Cafeteria. CASH only – no checks. $40
June 13 Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal will be held in the Bowl at 8:30 a.m. You must attend rehearsal to participate in the graduation ceremony. Grad Night T-shirt Distribution – The Grad Night Committee will hand out shirts to everyone who purchased a Grad Night ticket after the rehearsal. Last time to purchase a Grad Night Ticket. Senior Sunset at a location at the beach to be announced later by Senior Class Officers
Prior to Graduation What happens if I don’t follow the rules?
Graduation Day - June 14 Seniors are NOT allowed on campus during the school day Seniors report to the outdoor tennis courts CARRYING cap and gown at 3:00 p.m. Entrance to the courts must be along either side of the school, NOT through the front admission gates. Please, do not bring any unnecessary items that need to be carried with you (Bring ID, cell phone and keys only…sunglasses are okay if needed)
Graduation Day June 14 Parents, friends or family are NOT allowed in the tennis court area. Graduation Ceremony - 4 p.m. – Bowl Grad Night party (all night party) June 14 at 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. June 15 Marina Gym.
Graduation Instructions You are the Fifty Third (53rd) Graduating Class of Marina High School. Your graduation ceremony is very important to you, your parents and staff of Marina High School. The ceremony should reflect this occasion.
Graduation Instructions Dress: Boys - White or light shirt, tie, dark slacks, dark shoes and dark socks. No flip-flop shoes. Dress: Girls - Light colored dress (dark colors will show through gown) - long dresses are not acceptable. No flip-flop shoes.
Graduation Instructions Do not bring ANYTHING with you (Except ID, cell phone and keys only…sunglasses are okay if needed): No gum, cameras, purses, corsages, flowers, balloons, leis, or backpacks. (MHS will not be responsible for any of these items). No decorations on caps/gowns. No Flowers of any kind during the ceremony.
Diplomas You will be able to pick up your diploma immediately after the graduation ceremony in the cafeteria. (Please enter through the 300 Hall next to the cafeteria) Seniors who do not participate in graduation or miss pick up, may pick up their diploma from the Registrar, Ms. Tubbs, beginning Tuesday, June 19 - 10:00 a.m. to Noon / 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. You must show current photo ID.
Any Questions???