Guadalupe Mountains NP Geology of National Parks Image: Cropper from Guadalupe 06 DBH.jpg , South Entrance area, by David B. Hacker, from Harris CD-ROM
Park Map Map: guadalupe_park99.jpg, converted from guadalupe_park99.pdf, on Harris CD-ROM
Capitan Reef Photo: Guadalupe 04AH.jpg Capitan Reef, by Ann G. Harris, from Harris CD-ROM
Guadalupe Basins Map:
Reef Complex Photo: Guadalupe 04 DBH.jpg Reef Complex south of Visitors Center, by David B. Hacker, from Harris CD-ROM Exposure of the center part of the reef, near the visitors center
Back Reef Castilo formation Photo: Guadalupe 02AH.jpg Castilo Formation, back reef. by Ann G. Harris, from Harris CD-ROM Castilo formation
Relief Map Apex of the V is El Capitan Map: GUMOrelief.jpg, by NPS, from Harris CD-ROM Apex of the V is El Capitan
El Capitan Photo: ElCapitanTX.jpg
Guadalupe Peak Highest Point in Texas Photo: GuadalupePeak.jpg
Castile Formation Varves Left photo: by Peter A. Scholle Right photo: by Peter A. Scholle Dark layers are lime, light layers are gypsum