Opening Activity: Nov. 1, 2018 Pick up items at front table: Transformation of Chocolate - Idea Tool (TAPE IN) Notebook Rubric - Due Friday 11/2 Current Event Article for a CVR – Due Friday 11/2 On your next page of your journal, make a Plant Unit Title page – see whiteboard for directions. If you want to resubmit the Bale Explanation, when must you turn it in? I can… Share my initial ideas about plants. Homework: NB Due 11/2 CVR Due 11/2 Explanation retake 11/7
Assessments in Biology (Pre-tests, Tests, Quizzes) All phones must be put away, picture taking, texting or phone use during assessments is not allowed. All scratch paper used during the assessment must be turned into teacher at end of assessment. All notes/papers must be completely out of sight. Your eyes must remain on your own paper. Class will remain quiet from when the first test is passed out until the last person has finished.
Based on your pretesting experience, what do you want to know? Plant Title Page ½ page write “Plant Unit” ½ page write “Academic Goal” Based on your pretesting experience, what do you want to know? NOTE: Next approx. 3 pages will be for opening activities
Biology Reflection Reflect on your biology experiences so far: What should YOU keep doing to support your learning? What should MS. FOX keep doing to support your learning? What changes can YOU make to support your learning? What changes can MS. FOX make to support your learning?
Plants Growing Video Where did MATTER MOVE as the cocoa plant was growing? How did MATTER CHANGE while the cocoa plant was growing? How did ENERGY CHANGE while the cocoa plant was growing? Cocoa Plant Have students watch a time-lapse video of plants growing. Use the link in slide 3 of the 1.2 Expressing Ideas About How Plants Grow PPT (or above) to have your students observe a radish plant growing. Cocoa Seed
Chocolate Production How is Chocolate made? What problems/issues might arise when chocolate is made (seed to bar)? Cocoa Plant Chocolate Bar
Comparing Ideas with a Partner While you’re working, I’ll come around to check in: Do you agree with each other’s ideas? Why or why not? Where did you learn about your ideas? What experiences have you had to help you with your explanation? Students compare their own ideas with the ideas of a partner. Show slide 6 of the 1.2 Expressing Ideas About How Plants Grow PPT. Tell students that now that they have had a chance to record their ideas on their own, it is important to compare their ideas to their classmates’ to see how they are similar and different, and also so we know how many different ideas there are in the class. Divide students into pairs and have students compare their ideas on the 1.2 Expressing Ideas Tool for Plants Growing with each other. As students are sharing, circulate through the groups. Consider asking questions such as Do you agree with each other about XX? Where did you learn about that? What experiences have you had to help you with your explanation. At this point, do not correct any wrong ideas; treat this as brainstorming. Pay attention to patterns in students’ ideas, or specific individual ideas that diverge from the patterns as both may be valuable to discuss as a whole class later.
Posting Ideas– PLANT GROWTH Your ideas: Your questions: Post ideas for class discussion. Tell students that now that they have had a chance to write their ideas as individuals and as pairs, it is important to look at the range of ideas in the class. Again, at this point, do not correct any wrong ideas. Treat this as brainstorming: all ideas are on the table. Show slide 6 of the 1.2 Expressing Ideas About How Plants Grow PPT. Give each pair 2 sticky notes. Tell students to write their most important ideas from their Expressing Ideas Tools on a sticky note and put it on the board under the “Your Ideas” column. Tell students to write their most important question from their Expressing Ideas Tools on a sticky note and put it on the board under the “Your Questions” column.
Posting Ideas– Chocolate Production Your ideas: Your questions: Post ideas for class discussion. Tell students that now that they have had a chance to write their ideas as individuals and as pairs, it is important to look at the range of ideas in the class. Again, at this point, do not correct any wrong ideas. Treat this as brainstorming: all ideas are on the table. Show slide 6 of the 1.2 Expressing Ideas About How Plants Grow PPT. Give each pair 2 sticky notes. Tell students to write their most important ideas from their Expressing Ideas Tools on a sticky note and put it on the board under the “Your Ideas” column. Tell students to write their most important question from their Expressing Ideas Tools on a sticky note and put it on the board under the “Your Questions” column.
Opening Activity: Nov. 2 2018 I will stamp CVR We will be looking at plant cells in leaves and roots today. Name two ways you think they are different. Create new page in Journal, LAB #7 Plant Cells I can…Identify plant cell parts for leaves and roots by drawing and labeling structures in your journal. Homework: Test Retake Tikt 11/6 Test Retake 11/8-9 8am
Animal Test Info Multiple Choice – 19 pts Explanation – 13 pts 32 pts possible but took off 1 pt for commonly missed questions, mass coming from water. Grading Scale: 27.9-31 A 24.8-27.8 B 21.7-24.5 C 18.5-21.5 D RETAKE OPPORTUNITY – 11/8-9 @ 8am Maximum Score 85% = 26 pts. Must complete a retake ticket and turn in by Tuesday 11/6
Lab #7 Plant Cells Purpose: Observe leaf and root cells. Identify and label parts of plant cells
Lab #7 Plant Cells Goals Elodea Leaf Root - Onion Sketch 2 magnifications (1/4 page each) Identify and label cell structures Observe and identify structure of plant cells. Root - Onion Sketch 2 magnifications (1/4 page each) Identify and label cell structures
Lab Clean up!! Used slides and cover slips MUST be dipped in water to rinse and dry with a paper towel. Microscopes back on the imaginary tape. (no cover needed). Ms. Fox will excuse your table if you are cleaned up.